The Corporation of the

Regular Council Meeting

City Hall Council Chambers
15322 Buena Vista Avenue, White Rock, BC, V4B 1Y6

*Live Streaming/Telecast: Please note that all Committees, Task Forces, Council Meetings, and Public Hearings held in the Council Chamber are being recorded and broadcasted as well included on the City’s website at:


T. Arthur, Director of Corporate Administration

We would like to recognize that we are standing/working/meeting on the traditional unceded territory of the Semiahmoo First Nation, and also wish to acknowledge the broader territory of the Coast Salish Peoples.


    THAT the Corporation of the City of White Rock Council adopt the agenda for its regular meeting scheduled for March 27, 2023 as circulated.


    THAT the Corporation of the City of White Rock Council adopt the
    March 13, 2023 minutes as circulated.

The Regular Meeting will recess in order to consider a Public Meeting regarding the following proposed application: 

  • Development Variance Permit No. 450 (1588 Johnston Road)

The Regular Meeting will reconvene following the adjournment or conclusion of the Public Meeting. 


    THAT Council:

    1. Postpone the March 27, 2023 Regular Council meeting at this time until the adjournment or conclusion of the Public Meeting for the following application:
      • Development Variance Permit No. 450 (1588 Johnston Road); and
    2. Directly following the Public Meeting the Regular Council meeting will be reconvened in the City's Council Chambers.

The Regular Meeting will now reconvene following the adjournment or conclusion of the Public Hearing for the following applications:

  • Development Variance Permit No. 450 (1588 Johnston Road)

Question and Answer Period will be taking place both in person at the meeting, as well as electronically through email. 

If you wish to have your question submitted electronically you may forward questions and comments to Mayor and Council by emailing [email protected] with Question and Answer Period noted in the subject line.

As of 8:30 a.m., March 22, 2024, there were no Question and Answer period submissions received.

Note: there are to be no questions or comments on a matter that will be the subject of a public hearing (time between the public hearing and final consideration of the bylaw).


    THAT Council receive for information the correspondence submitted for Question and Answer Period by 8:30 a.m. March 22, 2023, including “On-Table” information provided with staff responses that are available at the time.

Sarah Ross, Vice President, Transportation Policy and Planning, to attend to discuss transit ridership and projects in White Rock as well as Transport 2050: 10-Year Priorities.

Corporate report dated March 27, 2023 from the Chief Administrative Officer titled "2023-2026 Council Strategic Priorities with Timelines and Priority-Level".


    THAT Council:

    1. Ratify the timelines and priority-level classification of Council’s 2023-2026 Strategic Priorities as presented in this report; and
    2. Direct staff to publish the new 2023-2026 Council Strategic Priorities on the City’s website.

Corporate report dated March 27, 2023 from the Director of Recreation and Culture titled "2023 Sea Festival Program".


    THAT Council receive for information the corporate report dated
    March 27, 2023, from the Director of Recreation & Culture, titled “2023 Sea Festival Program” providing details related to the event net cost of $51K (0.19% tax increase) which is included in the 2023 proposed financial plan as approved by the Finance and Audit Committee of Council.

Corporate report dated March 27, 2023 from the Director of Recreation and Culture titled "Proposal for 2023 Car Show and Parade".


    THAT Council receive the report dated March 27, 2023, from the Director of Recreation & Culture, titled “Proposal for 2023 Car Show and Parade” outlining details of this proposed event in Uptown White Rock on Sunday,
    August 6, 2023, as part of Sea Festival weekend for consideration and direction to staff.

Corporate report dated March 27, 2023 from the Director of Recreation and Culture titled "Semiahmoo Lacrosse Beer Garden and Wine Garden Application".


    THAT Council approve the request for a beer and wine garden for the Semiahmoo Minor Lacrosse Association’s Randy Ellis Lacrosse Days, featuring a BC Junior A Lacrosse League (BCJALL) exhibition game between the Burnaby Lakers and the Port Coquitlam Saints from 6:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. on Saturday, April 8, 2023, at Centennial Arena.

Corporate report dated March 27, 2023 from the Director of Engineering and Municipal Operations titled "Solid Waste Collection - City Pickup".


    THAT Council:

    1. Approve the collection of multi-family residential solid waste to include buildings from seven to fifteen units with placement of garbage, recycling, and green waste to only occur at the curb and in residential containers; and
    2. Direct staff to update the Collection Removal, Disposal and Recycling of Solid Waste Bylaw No. 2084 to reflect this direction, as per Council’s January 16, 2023, Motion numbered 2023-010.

Corporate report dated March 27, 2023 from the Director of Planning and Development Services titled "White Rock Zoning Bylaw, 2012, No 2000, Amendment (CD Zone 67 – at 15654/64/74 North Bluff Road/1570/80 Maple Street and 1593 Lee Street) Bylaw, 2022, No. 2351."

Note: Bylaw 2351 is on the agenda for consideration under item 8.1.e.


    THAT Council receive for information the corporate report dated March 27, 2023 from the Director of Planning and Development Services, titled " White Rock Zoning Bylaw, 2012, No 2000, Amendment (CD Zone 67 – at 15654/64/74 North Bluff Road/1570/80 Maple Street and 1593 Lee Street) Bylaw, 2022, No. 2351."

Corporate report dated March 27, 2023 from the Director of Planning and Development Services titled "Application for Liquor Primary Licence for 15165 Russell Avenue (LL 22-035)".


    THAT Council:

    1. Receive for information the corporate report dated March 27, 2023, from the Director of Planning and Development Services titled, "Application for a Liquor Primary Licence at 15165 Russell Avenue (LL 22-035)";
    2. Direct staff to schedule the required public hearing for the proposed Liquor Primary Licence at 15165 Russell Avenue; and
    3. Authorize staff, pending the results of the public hearing, to forward a copy of the March 27, 2023 report and results of the Public Hearing to the Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch along with a resolution to advise that Council has considered the potential impact for noise and the impact on the community, and is in support of the application for at 15165 Russell Avenue, with the following conditions:
      • that the operating hours for the outdoor patio area be limited to no later than 9:00 p.m. on Monday through Saturday and 7:00 p.m. on Sunday; and
      • that live entertainment ceases not less than one (1) hour before the end of liquor service.

Corporate report dated March 27, 2023 from the Director of Planning and Development Services titled "2023 Fees and Charges Bylaw Amendment - 2023 Waterfront Parking Rates".

Note: Bylaw 2460 is on the agenda for consideration under item 8.1.a.


    THAT Council receive the March 27, 2023, corporate report from the Director of Planning & Development Services, titled “2023 Fees and Charges Bylaw Amendment – 2023 Waterfront Parking Rates” for consideration.

The Director of Corporate Services will provide On-Table a corporate report titled "Consulting Services for Building Permit Application Review and Inspection Services".  The purpose is to present Council an overview of the response we received to the RFP and to request a budget for the consulting services

Note: The corporate report will be distributed to Council and placed on the website when completed, staff await required information prior to completion of the report.     

Corporate report dated March 27, 2023 from the Director of Corporate Administration titled "Council and Committee Procedure Bylaw, 2021, Amendment No. 1, 2023, No. 2459.

Note: Bylaw 2459 is on the agenda for consideration under item 8.1.b.


    THAT Council receive for information the corporate report dated March 27, 2023, from the Director of Corporate Administration titled “Proposed Amendments to the Council and Committee Procedure Bylaw” for consideration and direction to staff.


    THAT Council receive for information the following standing and select committee meeting minutes as circulated:

    • Finance and Audit Committee - March 13, 2023
    • Land Use and Planning Committee - March 13, 2023



Bylaw 2460: A bylaw to amend the 2023 Fees and Charges Bylaw in regard to 2023 waterfront parking rates.

Note: Bylaw 2460 was the subject of a corporate report under item 6.2.h.


    THAT Council give first, second and third readings to "2023 Fees and Charges Bylaw, 2022, No. 2447, Amendment No. 1, 2023 No. 2460".

Bylaw 2459 - A bylaw to amend the Council and Committee Procedure Bylaw for meeting start times, question and answer period and general housekeeping. 

Note: Bylaw 2459 was the subject of a corporate report under item 6.2.j.


    THAT Council give first, second and third readings to "Council and Committee Procedure Bylaw, 2021, Amendment No. 1, 2023, No. 2459".

Bylaw 2457 - A bylaw for the administration of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and allow for implementation of an application fee of $10.00. Bylaw 2457 received first, second and third reading on March 13, 2023 and is on the agenda for consideration of final reading.


    THAT Council give final reading to "White Rock Freedom of Information Bylaw, 2023, No. 2457".

Bylaw 2456 - A bylaw to regulate Council member conduct. New legislation requires this topic be reviewed by Council within the first six (6) months of being in office.  Bylaw 2456 received first, second and third reading on March 13, 2023 and is on the agenda for consideration of final reading at this time.


    THAT Council give final to "Council Code of Conduct Bylaw, 2023, No. 2456".

Bylaw 2351 proposes multi-building development at 15654/64/74 North Bluff Road / 1570/80 Maple Street and 1593 Lee Street (Beachway). This bylaw was presented for consideration of first and second reading at the
January 11, 2021 Regular Council meeting.  The public hearing was held March 1, 2021 and third reading was given on
March 8, 2021.

Note: This bylaw was the subject of a corporate report under item 6.2.f.

This bylaw is on the agenda for Council's consideration to rescind third and second reading, and to provide a new second reading with the proposed changes in accordance with the report.


    THAT Council rescind third reading of "White Rock Zoning Bylaw, 2012, No. 2000, Amendment (CD Zone 63 – 15654/64/74 North Bluff Road/ 1570/80 Maple Street and 1593 Lee Street) Bylaw, 2020, No. 2351".


    THAT Council rescind second reading of "White Rock Zoning Bylaw, 2012, No. 2000, Amendment (CD Zone 63 – 15654/64/74 North Bluff Road/ 1570/80 Maple Street and 1593 Lee Street) Bylaw, 2020, No. 2351".


    THAT Council give second reading of "White Rock Zoning Bylaw, 2012, No. 2000, Amendment (CD Zone 63 – 15654/64/74 North Bluff Road/ 1570/80 Maple Street and 1593 Lee Street) Bylaw, 2020, No. 2351" as presented.


    THAT Council direct staff to waive the public hearing as the development is consistent with the Official Community Plan, and further direct staff to notify the public of the decision by providing two notices published in a local newspaper and notify property owners within 100 metres of the subject property.


    THAT Council direct staff to resolve the following issues before final adoption if Bylaw No. 2351 is given third reading after the public hearing:

      1. Ensure that all engineering requirements and issues, including registration of a 2.0 metre by 2.0 metre statutory right of way on each corner of the site at Maple Street and North Bluff Road and Lee Street and North Bluff Road, a 2.65-metre dedication to achieve a 15-metre road width from the centreline along the North Bluff Road property frontage, and completion of a servicing agreement, are addressed to the satisfaction of the Director of Engineering and Municipal Operations;
      2. Confirm and ensure the recommendations of the final arborist report, approved by the Director of Planning and Development Services and, more specifically, the city's Arboricultural Technician, are implemented and maintained through future demolition and construction activities;
      3. Work with the Director of Recreation and Culture delivering public art within the community through the "Poetry in Motion" program to their satisfaction;
      4. Develop a comprehensive addressing plan for staff approval; and
      5. Develop a construction management plan for staff approval.

    THAT following final approval of the zoning amendment, Council to issue Major Development Permit No. 428 for 'Beachway.'





    THAT Council receive correspondence item(s) 9.1 a as circulated. 

Correspondence dated March 6, 2023 from Jen Ford, UBCM President regarding Provincial Response to the City of White Rock's 2022 Council resolution regarding the creation of a Municipal Ethics Commissioner. 



Councillor Klassen provided the following Notice of Motion for consideration at this time.  


    THAT Council endorse the following resolution to be forwarded to the Union of Municipalities (UBCM) for consideration prior to the June 30, 2023 deadline:

    Whereas the Province has adopted vacancy taxes on vacant residential properties as one tool to assure land speculation does not result in property standing follow to the detriment of community livability and other goals; and

    Whereas commercial property values are inflating province-wide, and increasingly face investment speculation resulting in similar underutilization of commercial property in many municipalities across British Columbia; 

    There be it resolved that the Province of BC provide local governments with adoption to introduce a vacant property tax applicable to commercial properties.   


Mayor Knight to present the establishment of select committees.  


    THAT Council establish a Housing Advisory Committee as a select committee for the 2022 - 2026 term.


    THAT Council direct staff to bring forward a Terms of Reference, including a clear mandate, for the Housing Advisory Committee.


    THAT Council establish a Public Art and Culture Committee as a select committee for the 2022-2026 term. 


    THAT Council direct staff to bring forward a Terms of Reference, including a clear mandate, for the Public Art and Culture Committee.

No Item Selected