The Corporation of the

Regular Council Meeting

City Hall Council Chambers
15322 Buena Vista Avenue, White Rock, BC, V4B 1Y6

*Live Streaming/Telecast: Please note that all Committees, Task Forces, Council Meetings, and Public Hearings held in the Council Chamber are being recorded and broadcasted as well included on the City’s website at:

T. Arthur, Director of Corporate Administration

We would like to recognize that we are standing/working/meeting on the traditional unceded territory of the Semiahmoo First Nation, and also wish to acknowledge the broader territory of the Coast Salish Peoples.


    THAT the Corporation of the City of White Rock Council adopt the agenda for its regular meeting scheduled for October 25, 2021 as circulated.


    THAT the Corporation of the City of White Rock Council adopt the following meeting minutes:

    • Regular Council, October 4, 2021; and,
    • Public Hearing/ Meeting, October 18, 2021.

Due to the COVID-19 global pandemic, in-person Question and Answer Period has been temporarily suspended until further notice. You may forward questions and comments to Mayor and Council by emailing [email protected] with Question and Answer Period noted in the subject line. Your questions and comments will be noted along with answers and placed on the City’s website. You will be notified directly once this has been completed.

As of 8:30 a.m., October 20, 2021, there were no Question and Answer period submissions received.

Note: there are to be no questions or comments on a matter that will be the subject of a public hearing (time between the public hearing and final consideration of the bylaw).


    THAT Council receive for information the correspondence submitted for Question and Answer Period by 8:30 a.m October 25, 2021, including “On-Table” information provided with staff responses that are available at the time.

Dr. Jennifer McIvor and Ms. Melanie Huck, Together South Surrey - White Rock to attend to provide information about the volunteer mental health community group, what has been done so far, plans for the future, and potential ways the City of White Rock could contribute.

The Fire Chief to provide an On-Table memo regarding the COVID-19 global pandemic.

Corporate report from the Director of Corporate Administration dated October 25, 2021 titled "Marine Drive Temporary Lane Closure - Survey".

Note:  Appendix C with the individual survey results includes 2,400 pages - due to size only page 1 with visitor information as been included and the remainder pages of the document will be available under separate cover.  


    THAT Council receive for information the October 25, 2021, corporate report from the Director of Corporate Administration, titled “Marine Drive Temporary Lane Closure – Survey Results”.

Corporate report dated October 25, 2021 from the Acting Director of Planning and Development Services titled "Surrey Schools - Eligible School Site Proposal".


    THAT Council pass a resolution endorsing the Eligible School Sites Proposal – 2022/2023 Capital Plan as presented by the Board of Education of School District
    No. 36 (Surrey).

Corporate report dated October 25, 2021 from the Acting Director of Financial Services titled "White Rock Financial Plan (2021-2025) Bylaw, 2021, No. 2377, Amendment No. 2, 2021 No. 2403.

Note: Bylaw 2403 is on the agenda for consideration under Item 8.1.h.


    THAT Council receive for information the corporate report dated October 25, 2021 from the Acting Director of Financial Services, titled “White Rock Financial Plan (2021-2025) Bylaw, 2021, No. 2377, Amendment No. 2, 2021, No. 2403.”

At the October 4, 2021 regular Council meeting, Council directed Committee work plans back to staff for further review.  The following corporate reports are provided for consideration.

Corporate report dated October 25, 2021 from the Director of Recreation and Culture titled "Arts and Cultural Advisory Committee Work Plan".


    THAT Council receive the corporate report dated October 25, 2021 from the Director of Recreation & Culture, titled “Arts and Culture Advisory Committee Work Plan” for endorsement.

Corporate report dated October 25, 2021 from the Acting Director of Planning and Development Services titled "Staff Feedback on 2021-2022 Economic Development Advisory Committee (EDAC) Work Plan".


    THAT Council receive the corporate report dated October 25, 2021, from the Acting Director of Planning & Development Services, titled “Staff Feedback on 2021-2022 Economic Development Advisory Committee (EDAC) Work Plan” providing staff feedback as it relates to the Economic Development Advisory Committee’s proposed work plan, for Council’s consideration.

Corporate report dated October 25, 2021 from the Director of Recreation and Culture titled "Public Art Advisory Committee Workplan".


    THAT Council receive the corporate report dated October 25, 2021 from the Director of Recreation & Culture, titled “Public Art Advisory Committee Work Plan” for endorsement.

Council's 2021 - 2022 Top Priorities with new activity comments provided for information:

  • Solid Waste Pickup for Multi-Family:  Staff reached out to the solid waste industry for feedback on the plan and proposed contract so that the solicitation process structure will maximize benefit (lowest price) to the City.  Next step is an initial written reach out the MF and ICI customers to get a preliminary idea of needs and or concerns. 

  • Housing Needs / Affordable Housing: Staff are working with the consultant on the first draft of the Housing Needs Report.  The draft report will be presented to the Housing Advisory Committee on October 26.  Following this presentation revisions will be made to the report, as needed.  The plan will be presented to Council in November with anticipated adoption being sought by the end of 2021. Following the adoption of the report staff would look to Council for direction on advancing Housing Strategies (Actions) to address identified need. 
  • Community Amenity Contribution "Shovel-in-the-Ground" Projects including:

    - Emerson Park:  Discussion continue with proponent too maximize deliverables within budget constraints;

    - Maccaud Park Upgrade:  Consultant fee proposal approved, design is moving forward as per Council's direction;

    - Centre Street Hillside Walkway:  Discussion with property owners with respect to encroachments continue.  Legal resources will be required in some instances;

    - Review Options for Upgrading Multiple Hillside Walkways (Road Ends) to Waterfront:  No new information

  • The City's Relationship with the Semiahmoo First Nation:  No new information

Note:  Mayor Walker has further information in regard to the At-Risk and Vulnerable Population Task Force


    THAT Council receive for information the following standing and select committee meeting minutes as circulated:

    • Governance and Legislation Committee - October 4, 2021;
    • Housing Advisory Committee - September 28, 2021;
    • At-Risk and Vulnerable Population Task Force - September 29, 2021; 
    • Public Art Advisory Committee - October 12, 2021; and
    • Arts and Cultural Advisory Committee - October 14, 2021.

Note: These items were deferred from the October 4, 2021 Council meeting.

Note: Minutes from the September 23, 2021 Environmental Advisory Committee meeting attached for information.

 Note: Suggested work plans to be referred to staff to ensure they coincide with current staff work plans and Council Priorities.


    THAT Council approve that a priority of the Committee’s 2021-2022 Work Plan be to follow up on implementation of Council Resolution 2020-20 of January 13, 2020, recognizing the ongoing and increasingly pronounced “climate emergency.” The objective would be for the Committee, working with Staff, to develop recommendations on practical measures for the City to help mitigate and adapt to the impacts of climate change on its citizens and contribute to broader regional, provincial and national efforts to address the critical challenges posed by global warming. This work would proceed on the basis of an update of the framework tabled at the Committee’s February 20, 2020 meeting, based on the framework for the province’s Climate Action Revenue Incentive Program (CARIP).

 Note: Suggested work plans to be referred to staff to ensure they coincide with current staff work plans and Council Priorities.


    THAT Council approve that a priority of the Committee’s 2021-2022 Work Plan be that the Committee collaborate with staff to understand where the City stands in terms of Metro Vancouver requirements for the Integrated Stormwater Management Plan (ISMP), how we can meet these requirements, and how we might move further than these requirements in terms of considering an update for the City’s current ISMP.

 Note: Suggested work plans to be referred to staff to ensure they coincide with current staff work plans and Council Priorities.


    THAT Council approve that a priority of the Committee’s 2021-2022 Work Plan be the ongoing monitoring of water quality and the investigation of these treatment processes.

 Note: Suggested work plans to be referred to staff to ensure they coincide with current staff work plans and Council Priorities.


    THAT Council approve that the Environmental Advisory Committee recommends that Climate Change be their top priority Work Plan item.


    THAT Council direct staff to work together to develop an art plan for the integration of public art in the Centre Street Walkway project.

Note: Updated Policy 708 (and document outlining changes made to the policy) attached for information.


    THAT Council approves the updated Public Art and Placemaking Art Policy 708.


    THAT Council approves that the Arts and Cultural Advisory Committee holds a joint workshop in partnership with the Public Art Advisory Committee to discuss the Cultural Corridor and the art plan for the City.


The City has the authority to grant permissive property tax exemptions for non-profit organizations under conditions identified in the Community Charter Section 224.  Council has provided further direction for eligibility requirements in the White Rock City Council Policy No. 317 - Municipal Property Tax Exemptions.  These bylaws received first, second and third reading on September 20, 2021, advertising in the Peace Arch News was completed September 30 and October 7, 2021, and are being presented for consideration of final reading at this time.


    THAT Council give final reading to "2022-2026 Permissive Tax Exemptions Peninsula Productions Society Bylaw 2021, No. 2389".


    THAT Council give final reading to "2022-2026 Permissive Tax Exemptions White Rock Tennis Club Bylaw 2021, No. 2390".


    THAT Council give final reading to "2022 Permissive Tax Exemptions Centre for Active Living Bylaw 2021, No. 2391".


    THAT Council give final reading to "2022-2032 Permissive Tax Exemptions Peace Arch Curling Club Bylaw 2021, No. 2396".


    THAT Council give final reading to "2022 Annual Permissive Tax Exemptions Bylaw 2021, No. 2392".

Bylaw 2402 - A Bylaw to amend the Collection, Removal, Disposal and Recycling of Solid Waste Bylaw, to provide solid waste collection services to multi-family buildings and institutional, commercial, and industrial buildings.  This bylaw was provided with first, second and third reading on September 20, 2021 and is on the agenda for consideration of final reading at this time.


    THAT Council give final reading to "Collection, Removal, Disposal and Recycling of Solid Waste, 2015, Bylaw No. 2084, Amendment Bylaw, 2021, No. 2402".

Bylaw 2380 - A Bylaw to amend the City's sign bylaw in regard to election signage and adds a component in regard to possible ticketing.  This bylaw was given first, second and third reading on October 4, 2021 and is presented for consideration of final reading.  


    THAT Council give final reading to "White Rock Sign Bylaw, 2010, No. 1923, Amendment No. 4, Bylaw 2021 No. 2380".

Bylaw 2395 - A Bylaw to amend the Ticking for Bylaw Offences Bylaw, 2011, No. 1929 in regard to election signage was given first, second and third reading on October 4, 2021 and is presented for consideration of final reading.


    THAT Council give final to "White Rock Municipal Ticketing Bylaw 2011, No. 1929, Amendment No. 2395".

Bylaw 2399 -  A Bylaw to amend the Street Naming and House Numbering Bylaw to add Cosmic Alley.  This bylaw was given first, second and third reading on September 20, 2021 and is on the agenda for consideration of final reading.


    THAT Council give final reading for "White Rock Street Naming and House Numbering Bylaw, 1988, No. 992, Amendment, No. 2399".

Bylaw 2400 - A Bylaw to amend the White Rock Fees and Charges Bylaw Schedule "K"  in regard to parking fees.  This bylaw was provided first, second and third reading on October 4, 2021 and is on the agenda for consideration of final reading.


    THAT Council give final reading to "2021 Fees and Charges Bylaw, 2020, No. 2369, Amendment No. 4, 2021, No 2400".

Bylaw 2397 -  bylaw to amend the "White Rock Zoning Bylaw, 2012, No. 2000" to rezone the subject property to CD-66 to permit a three storey 53 unit development comprised of a mix of ground-oriented and stacked townhouses.  This Bylaw was presented for first and second reading at September 20, 2021 meeting and went to public hearing on October 18, 2021.  This bylaw is on the agenda for consideration of third reading at this time. 


    THAT Council give third reading to “White Rock Zoning Bylaw, 2012, No. 2000, Amendment (CD-66 – Comprehensive Development Zone (1539 Maple Street)) Bylaw, 2021, No. 2397”.

Bylaw 2403 - A bylaw to amend the Financial Plan for 2021 to 2025 as follows: 

  • add $111K to the 2021 Financial Plan for a new regular full time Solid Waste Coordinator position starting in December 2021, $8K to 2021 and $103K to 2022, funded from Reserves; and
  • add $650K for the Centre Street Walkway Project funded from CAC’s.

 is on the agenda for consideration of first, second and third reading at this time.

Note: This bylaw was the subject of a corporate report under item 6.2.d.


    THAT Council give first, second and third reading to "White Rock Financial Plan (2021-2025) Bylaw, 2021, No. 2377, Amendment No. 2, 2021, No. 2403".


Temporary Use Permit (TUP) 21-019 is requesting an extension which permits the temporary sales centre and construction site office, and associated off-street parking located at 1589 Maple Street. Both the sales centre and construction site office are tied to the on-going development of the Altus building located at 1526 Finlay Street, being immediately west of the property subject to this TUP request. At Council’s request the TUP will be limited to a period of one (1) year from issuance.  TUP 21-019 was the subject of a Public Meeting held on October 18, 2021.


    THAT Council authorize the issuance of Temporary Use Permit No. 21-019 (1589 Maple Street).

Note: Further action on the following correspondence items may be considered. Council may request that any item be brought forward for discussion, and may propose a motion of action on the matter.

Note: Council may wish to refer this matter to staff for consideration and response.

The Metro Vancouver Board in Brief information from September 24, 2021, received by the City October 1, 2021.  

Correspondence to inform that Sunday, October 24 is World Polio Day.  

Note: Council Policy No. 109 notes that the City of White Rock does not make official proclamations, this item has been on the agenda for public information purposes only.

Correspondence dated October 7, 2021 from the Township of Langley to Premier John Horgan requesting financial assistance for COVID-19 related budget shortfalls.


Councillor Johanson provided the following Notice of Motion at the September 20, 2021 Regular Council meeting: 

Note:  The motion is a request to amend Motion No. 2021-245 adopted at the June 28, 2021 regular Council meeting as follows:  

THAT Council endorse a trial period of six (6) months for the dedication of the northwest tennis/pickleball courts at Centennial Park for the use of pickleball only.  

Motion No. 2021-244 was also adopted at the same meeting:  

That Council:

  1. Approve dedicating the northwest tennis/pickleball court at Centennial Park as pickleball only;
  2. Authorize White Rock Pickleball (WRPB) to hire an approved contractor, at their cost, to repaint the lines on the northwest court at Centennial Park for pickleball;
  3. Approve expand the pickleball priority use hours on the northeast tennis/pickleball court at Centennial Park to 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. daily (and maintain other court times on this court as shared use, first come, first served for tennis or pickleball as per present court use regulations);
  4. Approve the installation of new court use signage to clarify the above changes for the general public; and
  5. Consider funding in the amount of $50K in the City’s 2022-2026 Financial Plan to construct new permanent pickleball courts, new surfacing, line marking, net posts and other court amenities for the northwest court.

Note:  Attached is the electronic tracking numbers of those entering the court used for pickleball.  The counting program includes both ingress and egress from the court and does not distinguish when this is done by the same person .  


    THAT Council:    

    1. Amend the trial period for the four (4) dedicated pickleball courts in one (1) tennis court, to be reduced from six (6) months to three (3) months ending September 30, 2021; and 

    2. Direct that the work required to make these courts permanent be approved so that they can be available by spring 2022.

Councillor Trevelyan provided the following Notice of Motion for consideration at this time:


    THAT Council direct staff to bring forward information regarding having three (3) to five (5) pay parking stalls next to the Bay Street Boat ramp/launch be designated as paid boat launch user parking stalls. 

Councillor Chesney provided the following Notice of Motion for consideration at this time:


    THAT Council direct staff to review the granting of busking licenses whereby busking licenses be reconsidered for public performers in White Rock.


    THAT Council approve the following 2022 regular Council meeting schedule:

    • January 10 &17;
    • February 7 & 28;
    • March 7 & 28;
    • April 11 & 25;
    • May 9 & 30;
    • June 13 & 27;
    • July 11 & 25;
    • September 19;
    • October 3; 
    • November 7 (Inaugural Meeting) and 21; and,
    • December 5.

    THAT Council approve the following schedule for the 2022 Deputy Mayor rotation:

    • Jan 1- Feb 21 - Councillor Chesney;
    • Feb 22 -Apr 14 - Councillor Kristjanson;
    • Apr 15 - June 5 - Councillor Trevelyan;
    • June 6 - Jul 27 - Councillor Manning;
    • Jul 28 - Sept 17 - Councillor Johanson; and,
    • Sept 18 - Nov 7 - Councillor Fathers.
  • Closing the top floor of the City's parkade with the exception of long week-ends in the summer 
  • Signage discussion for the Grand Chief Bernard Memorial Plaza 
    Note:  Options for the signs are attached for discussion purposes
  • Mayor Walker and Members of Council have requested discussion on the status of the 2021 Festival of Lights.

At the January 25, 2021 Regular Council meeting the following resolution was adopted:

"THAT Council approve the 2021 White Rock Festival of Lights as a "Category C" special event under the conditions outlined in the corporate report".  

No Item Selected