The Corporation of the CITY OF WHITE ROCKRegular Council MeetingAGENDAMonday, May 30, 2022 at 7:00 P.m. - 10:00 P.m.City Hall Council Chambers15322 Buena Vista Avenue, White Rock, BC, V4B 1Y6*Live Streaming/Telecast: Please note that all Committees, Task Forces, Council Meetings, and Public Hearings held in the Council Chamber are being recorded and broadcasted as well included on the City’s website at: T. Arthur, Director of Corporate Administration1.CALL MEETING TO ORDER 1.1FIRST NATIONS LAND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We would like to recognize that we are standing/working/meeting on the traditional unceded territory of the Semiahmoo First Nation, and also wish to acknowledge the broader territory of the Coast Salish Peoples. 2.ADOPTION OF AGENDA RECOMMENDATIONTHAT the Corporation of the City of White Rock Council adopt the agenda for its regular meeting scheduled for May 30, 2022 as circulated.3.ADOPTION OF MINUTES 1.Post-Meeting Minutes - RM_May09_2022 - English.pdf2.Post-Meeting Minutes - Special Council Meeting_May12_2022 - English.pdf3.Post-Meeting Minutes - RCM-public meeting_May16_2022 - English.pdfRECOMMENDATIONTHAT the Corporation of the City of White Rock Council adopt the following meeting minutes as circulated: Regular Council, May 9, 2022; Special Council, May 12, 2022; and, Public Meeting for Development Variance Permit 443 (1532 Johnston Road), May 16, 2022. 4.QUESTION AND ANSWER PERIOD Question and Answer Period will be taking place both in person at the meeting, as well as electronically through email. If you wish to have your question submitted electronically you may forward questions and comments to Mayor and Council by emailing [email protected] with Question and Answer Period noted in the subject line.As of 8:30 a.m., May 25, 2022, there were no Question and Answer period submissions received.Note: there are to be no questions or comments on a matter that will be the subject of a public hearing (time between the public hearing and final consideration of the bylaw).RECOMMENDATIONTHAT Council receive for information the correspondence submitted for Question and Answer Period by 8:30 a.m. May 30, 2022, including “On-Table” information provided with staff responses that are available at the time.4.1CHAIRPERSON CALLS FOR SPEAKERS TO QUESTION AND ANSWER PERIOD 5.DELEGATIONS AND PETITIONS 5.1DELEGATIONS (PERMITTED 5 MINUTES) 5.1.aRICK DUCHESNE - WHITE ROCK TREE PROTECTION BYLAW Rick Duchesne, White Rock resident, to attend to discuss the City's Tree Protection Bylaw, including penalties and circumstances leading up to the bylaw infractions imposed.5.2PETITIONS None6.PRESENTATIONS AND CORPORATE REPORTS 6.1PRESENTATIONS None6.2CORPORATE REPORTS 6.2.aCOVID-19 UPDATE (ON TABLE MEMO TO BE PROVIDED) The Fire Chief to provide an On Table update regarding COVID-19.6.2.bWEST COASTER'S CAR SHOW IN WHITE ROCK 1.West Coasters Car Club Show.pdfCorporate report dated May 30, 2022 from the Director of Recreation and Culture titled "West Coaster's Car Show in White Rock".RECOMMENDATIONTHAT Council receive for information the report dated May 30, 2022, from the Director of Recreation and Culture, titled “West Coaster’s Car Show in White Rock” for consideration in hosting the event in the Uptown area in future years.6.2.cRELOCATION OF PRE-REGISTERED PROGRAMS FROM CENTENNIAL PARK TENNIS COURTS 1.Relocation of Pre-Registered Programs from Centennial Park Tennis Courts.pdfCorporate report dated May 30, 2022 from the Director of Recreation and Culture titled "Relocation of Pre-Registered Programs from Centennial Park Tennis Courts".RECOMMENDATIONTHAT Council approve the use of $2,500 from the City’s Pickleball Courts Asset Improvement Budget #75162 for the purchase and installation of a divider curtain for the tennis only courts at Centennial Park.6.2.dVEGETATION CONTROL ON THE HUMP 1.Vegetation Control on the Hump.pdf2.Vegetation Control - Appendix A.pdf3.Vegetation Control - Appendix B.pdf4.Vegetation Control - Appendix C.pdf5.Vegetation Control - Appendix D.pdf6.Vegetation Control - Appendix E.pdfCorporate report dated May 30, 2022 from the Director of Engineering and Municipal Operations titled "Vegetation Control on the Hump".RECOMMENDATIONTHAT Council: Receive the corporate report dated May 30, 2022, from the Director of Engineering & Municipal Operations, titled “Vegetation Control on the Hump” providing information on the feasibility of bringing maintenance of the Hump greenery to pre-2019 levels; and Provide direction to staff in regard to the topic of Vegetation Control on the Hump. 6.2.eWHITE ROCK WATER TREATMENT PLANT - PATENT APPLICATIONS 1.White Rock Water Treatment Plant - Patent Application.pdf2.Water Treatment Patent Applications - Appendix A.pdf3.Water Treatment Patent Applications - Appendix B.pdf4.Water Treatment Patent Applications - Appendix C.pdfCorporate report dated May 30, 2022 from the Director of Engineering and Municipal Operations titled "White Rock Water Treatment Plant - Patent Applications".RECOMMENDATIONTHAT Council: Receive the report dated May 30, 2022, from the Director of Engineering & Municipal Operations, titled “White Rock Water Treatment Plant – Patent Applications” for consideration; and Direct that the Patent applications submitted on behalf of the City of White Rock at both the US and Canadian Patent Offices be discontinued. 6.2.fEMERSON PARK - OPTIONS FOR ADDITIONAL PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT 1.Emerson Park - Options for Additional Playground Equipment.pdf2.Emerson Park - Appendix A.pdf3.Emerson Park - Appendix B.pdf4.Emerson Park - Appendix C.pdf5.Emerson Park - Appendix D.pdf6.Emerson Park - Appendix E.pdf7.Emerson Park - Appendix F.pdfCorporate report dated May 30, 2022 from the Director of Engineering and Municipal Operations titled "Emerson Park - Options for Additional Playground Equipment".RECOMMENDATIONTHAT Council: Receive the corporate report dated May 30, 2022, from the Director of Engineering & Municipal Operations, titled “Emerson Park – Options for Additional Playground Equipment”; and Direct staff to proceed with the current design for Emerson Park as is. 6.2.gADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING METHOD CONSIDERATIONS - VIRTUAL, IN-PERSON OR HYBRID 1.Committee Meeting Method Considerations - Virtual, In-Person or Hybrid.pdf2.Appendix A Summary of Feedback from Committee members - virtal and electronic.pdfCorporate report dated May 30, 2022 from the Director of Corporate Administration titled "Advisory Committee Meeting Method Considerations - Virtual, In-Person or Hybrid".RECOMMENDATIONTHAT Council direct staff to continue with virtual advisory committee meetings until the end of the current committee term.6.2.hSTATUS UPDATE OF COUNCIL'S 2022 TOP PRIORITIES Council's 2022 Top Priorities with new activity comments provided for information: Solid Waste Pickup for Multi-Family: Staff and the consultant continue to reach out to the industry for insights into obtaining the best value with the RFP. Currently, approximately 50 small multi family properties are being collected by City forces. These will be shifted to the new contract for reasons of efficiency, better match of equipment and to reduce City trucks overlapping contractor trucks in multi family zones. This will also clarify diversion stats for single family without having the multi family mixed in and could lead to increased incentive payments from Recycle BC. Housing Needs / Affordable Housing: On April 25, 2022 the draft Housing Strategy presented to Council from the Committee was removed by Council for consideration - later in the agenda some committee recommendations were received by Council and some were not approved / not endorsed. Community Amenity Contribution "Shovel-in-the-Ground" Projects: - Emerson Park Playground Upgrade: Staff are acting in accordance with the following resolution approved by Council on May 9, 2022:"THAT Council direct staff to bring forward a corporate report with options to add structures for the age group of 8 - 10 year old children at Emerson Park Playground."Staff have prepared a corporate report with options for Council to consider on this agenda as Item 6.2.f. The project is near completion with only irrigation and landscaping work remaining to be completed. Further construction is now on hold pending Council’s decision on additional works, so as to minimize removal of newly installed infrastructure. The playground will remain closed. Staff are negotiating delay costs and barricade/site maintenance costs with the contractor.- Maccaud Park Upgrade: Contractor scheduled to start on May 16 with erecting fences and establishing the construction zone. Bird survey experts are contracted and will survey 48 hours before tree removal is scheduled. Although no bird nests are evident now, there could be hidden nests the contract expert will discover.Birds could also establish nests between now and the scheduled time of tree removal which is why the survey has to be done no longer than 48 hours before tree removal. If nests are present, the contractor will need to establish a protection zone around the tree and work around this zone until the birds leave.When it is thought that the birds have left, an additional 48 hour survey will need to be done before the tree is removed.- Helen Fathers Centre Street Hillside Walkway: Staff are evaluating the RFP submissions this week. A two envelope system will be used whereby the submissions will be narrowed down to a final three based upon technical criteria. The pricing envelopes will then be opened for the final three submissions only.Three property owners with encroachments are litigating against the City - a hearing requesting an injunction to stop the project is scheduled for June 7, 2022. If the injunction is granted, the next step would be a court hearing on the matter in late August, at the earliest, and possibly later this Fall. Review Options for Upgrading Multiple Hillside Walkways (Road Ends) to Waterfront: A funding application was submitted before the March 28th deadline, no further update at this time The City's Relationship with the Semiahmoo First Nation (SFN): Staff are working with SFN Council to see when they will be ready to meet again to discuss the draft Communications Memorandum of Understanding.Staff will be engaging SFN on plans for National Indigenous Peoples Day on June 21. 7.MINUTES AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF COMMITTEES 7.1STANDING AND SELECT COMMITTEE MINUTES 1.Post-Meeting Minutes - LUPC_May09_2022 - English.pdf2.2022-05-10 PAAC Minutes (Unapproved).pdf3.2022-05-11 HAC Minutes (Unapproved).pdf4.2022-05-12 ACAC Minutes (Unapproved).pdfRECOMMENDATIONTHAT Council receive for information the following standing and select committee meeting minutes as circulated: Land Use and Planning Committee, May 9, 2022; Public Art Advisory Committee, May 10, 2022; Housing Advisory Committee, May 11, 2022; and, Arts and Cultural Advisory Committee, May 12, 2022. 7.2STANDING AND SELECT COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS 7.2.aLAND USE AND PLANNING COMMITTEE (COUNCILLOR TREVELYAN, CHAIRPERSON) 7.2.a.aDEVELOPMENT VARIANCE PERMIT NO. 445 - 15385 SEMIAHMOO AVENUE (DVP 22-008) The following recommendation was discussed at the Land Use and Planning Committee meeting held earlier in the evening. Council may consider the following recommendation at this time, or may defer to a future meeting. Note: Following the public meeting being conducted Council will consider approval of Development Variance Permit 445RECOMMENDATIONTHAT Council direct Planning staff to obtain public input through a public meeting conducted as an electronic meeting with notice of the meeting given in accordance with Section 466 of the Local Government Act, including notice in newspapers and distribution by mail to property owners/occupants within 100 metres of the subject property.7.2.bARTS AND CULTURAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE (COUNCILLOR MANNING, CHAIRPERSON) 7.2.b.aMULTI-COMMITTEE DISCUSSION WORKSHOP FOR THE CREATION OF A CITY PLACEMAKING REPORT RECOMMENDATIONTHAT Council endorse the Committee establishing their 2021-2022 Work Plan item 1.3.1, “Explore the options for creating an Arts Endowment Fund,” as their top priority going forward. 8.BYLAWS AND PERMITS 8.1BYLAWS None8.2PERMITS 8.2.aDEVELOPMENT VARIANCE PERMIT NO. 443 - 1532 JOHNSTON ROAD 1.DVP 443 - 1532 Johnston Road.pdfDevelopment Variance Permit (DVP) No. 443 would replace the existing fascia sign with an oversized fascia sign at the White Rock Players’ Club. The channel lettering proposed to be mounted directly to the building’s bulkhead, above the entrance to the Player’s club, exceeds the permissible sign copy area height for a fascia sign.This DVP was the subject of a Public Meeting held on May 16, 2022.RECOMMENDATIONTHAT Council approve Development Variance Permit No. 443 for 1532 Johnston Road.9.CORRESPONDENCE 9.1CORRESPONDENCE - RECEIVED FOR INFORMATION Note: Further action on the following correspondence items may be considered. Council may request that any item be brought forward for discussion, and may propose a motion of action on the matter.RECOMMENDATIONTHAT Council receive the following correspondence as circulated under Items 9.1.a. - 9.1.c.9.1.aSUBMISSION OF "METR0 2050" FOR ACCEPTANCE BY AFFECTED LOCAL GOVERNMENTS 1.2022-05-03 Metro 2050 Acceptance Request Letter with Attachments.pdfCorrespondence dated May 3, 2022 from Sav Dhaliwal, Metro Vancouver Board Chair, regarding the submission of Metro 2050 for acceptance by affected local governments has been provided for information.Note: The full Metro 2050 Regional Growth Strategy can be viewed here.Note: A corporate report on this topic will be brought forward by staff in June.9.1.bLETTER FROM HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBER REGARDING THE HOUSING NEEDS REPORT 1.2022-05-11 LF Brian Hagerman re Housing Need Report (Redacted).pdfCorrespondence dated May 11, 2022 from B. Hagerman, Housing Advisory Committee member, regarding the Housing Needs Report.Note: Councillor Manning requested that this item be placed on the agenda for information.9.1.cLETTER FROM SPARC BC REGARDING ACCESS AWARENESS DAY ON JUNE 4, 2022 1.Correspondence - 2022-05-10 Letter from Spark BC Re Access Awareness Day.pdfCorrespondence dated May 10, 2022, from Lorraine Copas, Executive Director, Social Planning & Research Council of British Columbia (SPARC BC), regarding an invitation for the City to recognize and celebrate Access Awareness Day on June 4, 2022.Note: Council Policy No. 109 notes that the City of White Rock does not make official proclamations. This item has been included under correspondence for public information purposes. 10.MAYOR AND COUNCILLOR REPORTS 10.1MAYOR’S REPORT 10.2COUNCILLORS REPORTS 11.MOTIONS AND NOTICES OF MOTION 11.1MOTIONS 11.2NOTICES OF MOTION 12.RELEASE OF ITEMS FROM CLOSED COUNCIL MEETINGS 13.OTHER BUSINESS 14.CONCLUSION OF THE MAY 30, 2022 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.DVP 443 - 1532 Johnston Road.pdf1.2022-05-03 Metro 2050 Acceptance Request Letter with Attachments.pdf1.Post-Meeting Minutes - LUPC_May09_2022 - English.pdf2.2022-05-10 PAAC Minutes (Unapproved).pdf3.2022-05-11 HAC Minutes (Unapproved).pdf4.2022-05-12 ACAC Minutes (Unapproved).pdf1.2022-05-11 LF Brian Hagerman re Housing Need Report (Redacted).pdf1.White Rock Water Treatment Plant - Patent Application.pdf2.Water Treatment Patent Applications - Appendix A.pdf3.Water Treatment Patent Applications - Appendix B.pdf4.Water Treatment Patent Applications - Appendix C.pdf1.Post-Meeting Minutes - RM_May09_2022 - English.pdf2.Post-Meeting Minutes - Special Council Meeting_May12_2022 - English.pdf3.Post-Meeting Minutes - RCM-public meeting_May16_2022 - English.pdf1.Vegetation Control on the Hump.pdf2.Vegetation Control - Appendix A.pdf3.Vegetation Control - Appendix B.pdf4.Vegetation Control - Appendix C.pdf5.Vegetation Control - Appendix D.pdf6.Vegetation Control - Appendix E.pdf1.Committee Meeting Method Considerations - Virtual, In-Person or Hybrid.pdf2.Appendix A Summary of Feedback from Committee members - virtal and electronic.pdf1.Emerson Park - Options for Additional Playground Equipment.pdf2.Emerson Park - Appendix A.pdf3.Emerson Park - Appendix B.pdf4.Emerson Park - Appendix C.pdf5.Emerson Park - Appendix D.pdf6.Emerson Park - Appendix E.pdf7.Emerson Park - Appendix F.pdf1.West Coasters Car Club Show.pdf1.Correspondence - 2022-05-10 Letter from Spark BC Re Access Awareness Day.pdf1.Relocation of Pre-Registered Programs from Centennial Park Tennis Courts.pdf