The Corporation of the CITY OF WHITE ROCKRegular Council MeetingAGENDAMonday, January 16, 2023 at 7:00 P.m. - 9:00 P.m.City Hall Council Chambers15322 Buena Vista Avenue, White Rock, BC, V4B 1Y6*Live Streaming/Telecast: Please note that all Committees, Task Forces, Council Meetings, and Public Hearings held in the Council Chamber are being recorded and broadcasted as well included on the City’s website at: T. Arthur, Director of Corporate Administration1.CALL MEETING TO ORDER 1.1FIRST NATIONS LAND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We would like to recognize that we are standing/working/meeting on the traditional unceded territory of the Semiahmoo First Nation, and also wish to acknowledge the broader territory of the Coast Salish Peoples. 2.ADOPTION OF AGENDA RECOMMENDATIONTHAT the Corporation of the City of White Rock Council adopt the agenda for its regular meeting scheduled for January 16, 2023 as circulated.3.ADOPTION OF MINUTES 1.Post-Meeting Minutes - RM_Dec05_2022 - English.pdf2.Post-Meeting Minutes - Special Council Meeting_Dec12_2022 - English.pdfRECOMMENDATIONTHAT the Corporation of the City of White Rock Council adopt the following meeting minutes as presented: Regular Council, December 5, 2022; and, Special Council, December 12, 2022. 4.QUESTION AND ANSWER PERIOD Question and Answer Period will be taking place both in person at the meeting, as well as electronically through email. If you wish to have your question submitted electronically you may forward questions and comments to Mayor and Council by emailing [email protected] with Question and Answer Period noted in the subject line.As of 8:30 a.m., January 11, 2023, there were no Question and Answer period submissions received.Note: there are to be no questions or comments on a matter that will be the subject of a public hearing (time between the public hearing and final consideration of the bylaw).RECOMMENDATIONTHAT Council receive for information the correspondence submitted for Question and Answer Period by 8:30 a.m, January 16, 2023, including “On-Table” information provided with staff responses that are available at the time.4.1CHAIRPERSON CALLS FOR SPEAKERS TO QUESTION AND ANSWER PERIOD 5.DELEGATIONS AND PETITIONS 5.1DELEGATIONS 5.1.aHUB CYCLING - BRUCE KLEEBERGER AND TIM YZERMAN Bruce Kleeberger and Tim Yzerman, HUB Cycling, to attend to encourage cycling as a convenient form of transportation for short and medium-distance commuter and transportation trips.5.1.bSOURCES FOUNDATION - ABBY GEMINO, JANET WELCH AND MARC BURCHELL - COLDEST NIGHT OF THE YEAR Abby Gemino, Event Planner, Janet Welch, Communications Manager and Marc Burchell, CNOY Co-Chair Sources Foundation, to attend to raise awareness about the Coldest Night of the Year event.5.1.cMARGARET CUTHBERT AND DAVID RILEY - NATURAL HISTORY INTERPRETIVE SIGNAGE AT WATERFRONT 1.Friends of Semiahmoo Bay Letter Attachment.pdfMargaret Cuthbert and David Riley, Friends of Semiahmoo Bay, to attend to provide an update on the Natural History Interpretive Signs at the Waterfront.5.2PETITIONS None6.PRESENTATIONS AND CORPORATE REPORTS 6.1PRESENTATIONS 6.1.aPEACE ARCH HOSPITAL FOUNDATION - STEPHANIE BECK, GRANT TURNBULL AND CATH WIEBE - STRATEGIC PROJECTS AT PEACE ARCH HOSPITAL Stephanie Beck, Executive Director, Grant Turnbull, Board Chair and Cathy Wiebe, Executive Director, Peach Arch Hospital to attend to provide Council with an update on projects taking place at the hospital. 6.2CORPORATE REPORTS 6.2.aREVISIT INTERPRETIVE SIGNAGE DESIGNS 1.2023-01-16 Revisit Interpretive Signage Designs.pdf2.Appendix A - Minutes Extract - Interpretive Signage.pdf3.Interpretive Signage Design July 2022.pdfCorporate report dated January 16, 2023 from the Director of Engineering and Municipal Operations and the Manager of Communications and Government Relations titled "Revisit Interpretive Signage Designs".RECOMMENDATIONTHAT Council: Receive for information the corporate report dated January 16, 2023, from the Director of Engineering and Municipal Operations and the Manager Communications and Government Relations, titled “Revisit Interpretive Signage Designs” for consideration; and Direct staff to: Return the signs to the rotary clock plaza, with as little impact as possible on sightlines and views or; Install a refreshed sign series on the Pier railings, as outlined in the July 25, 2022 staff report, including updated information on the invasive green crab. 6.2.bHELEN FATHERS CENTRE STREET WALKWAY 2023 UPDATE 1.HFCW Update.pdf2.Appendix A HFCW Oct 2021 with Options.pdf3.Appendix B CAC March 8, 2021.pdf4.Appendix C HFCW Sep 20 rpt and Bylaws 1,2,3.pdf5.Appendix D -HFCW Sep 20 2022 Minutes incl 8.pdf6.Appendix E Supreme Court Reasons for Judgement.pdfCorporate report dated January 16, 2023 from the Director of Engineering and Municipal Operations titled "Helen Fathers Centre Street Walkway 2023 Update".RECOMMENDATIONTHAT Council: Receive for information the corporate report dated January 16, 2023, from the Director of Engineering and Municipal Operations, titled “Helen Fathers Centre Street Walkway 2023 Update” for consideration; and Provide direction to staff to either: Proceed with the Helen Fathers Centre Street Walkway project and report back to Council on the next steps; or Discontinue work on the Helen Fathers Centre Street Walkway project. 6.2.cMULTI-FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL SOLID WASTE TRANSITION UPDATE 1.Multi-family and Commercial Solid Waste Collection.pdf2.Corporate report dated September 20, 2022.pdf3.2022-07-25 Progress Update on MF and ICI Solid Waste Transition.pdf4.WMABC - WR 12222022(1).pdfCorporate report dated January 16, 2023 from the Director of Engineering and Municipal Operations titled "Multi-Family and Commercial Solid Waste Transition Update".RECOMMENDATIONTHAT Council: Receive for information the corporate report dated January 16, 2023, from the Director, Engineering and Municipal Operations, titled “Multi-Family and Commercial Solid Waste Transition Update;” and Provide direction to staff on whether to: proceed with the transition of multi-family and commercial solid waste collection to a city-managed service or, stay with the status quo whereby multi-family and commercial solid waste collection is privately managed. If Council directs that the transition proceed, then Council further directs staff to: budget for a Solid Waste Coordinator and a Financial Services Clerk in the 2023 Financial Plan and include these costs in the multi-family and commercial solid waste fees; and report back on a timeline for addressing the issues identified in the corporate report dated September 20, 2022, from the Director, Engineering and Municipal Operations, titled “Multi-Family and Commercial Solid Waste Transition Update.” If Council directs to rescind the transition, then Council further directs staff to contact the Waste Management Association of BC and request that they meet with their members to develop a plan to reduce traffic congestion, noise and GHG emissions from solid waste collection vehicles in the City of White Rock. 6.2.dPROPOSED COUNCIL POLICY NO. 518 - BYLAW ENFORCEMENT 1.Proposed Council Bylaw Enforcement Policy.pdf2.Special-Report-No-36-Bylaw-Enforcement-Best-Practices-Guide-for-Local-Governments.pdf3.Bylaw Enforcement Policy 518 2023 .pdfCorporate report dated January 16, 2023 from the Director of Planning and Development Services titled "Proposed Council Policy No. 528 - Bylaw Enforcement".RECOMMENDATIONTHAT Council approve Council Policy No. 518 – Bylaw Enforcement, as presented in the staff report titled “Proposed Council Policy No. 518 – Bylaw Enforcement,” dated January 16, 2023.6.2.eBURLINGTON NORTHERN SANTA FE (BNSF) LEASE RENEWAL 1.2023-01-16 BNSF Lease Renewal.pdfCorporate Report dated January 16, 2023 from the Director of Corporate Administration titled "Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Lease Renewal. RECOMMENDATIONTHAT Council: Receive for information the January 16, 2023, corporate report from the Director of Corporate Services, titled “Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Lease Renewal;” and Authorize the Mayor and Director of Corporate Administration to execute the necessary documents exercising the option to renew the City’s lease with the BNSF Railway Company for the five (5) year period August 1, 2023 to July 31, 2028. 7.MINUTES AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF COMMITTEES 7.1STANDING AND SELECT COMMITTEE MINUTES 1.Post-Meeting Minutes - Finance and Audit Committee Meeting_Dec05_2022 - English.pdf2.Post-Meeting Minutes - LUPC_Dec05_2022 - English.pdfRECOMMENDATIONTHAT Council receive for information the following standing and select committee meeting minutes as circulated: Finance and Audit Committee, December 5, 2022; and, Land Use and Planning Committee, December 5, 2022. 7.2STANDING AND SELECT COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS None8.BYLAWS AND PERMITS 8.1BYLAWS 8.1.aBYLAW 2447 - 2023 FEES AND CHARGES BYLAW, 2022, NO. 2447 1.2023 Fees and Charges Bylaw, 2022, No. 2447 - Bylaw.pdf2.2023 Fees and Charges Bylaw, 2022, No. 2447 -Schedules.pdfBylaw 2447 - A bylaw to impose fees and charges for various services offered by the City that are not included in any other City BylawRECOMMENDATIONTHAT Council give final reading to the "2023 Fees and Charges Bylaw, 2022, No. 2447".8.1.bBYLAW 2452 - WHITE ROCK SIGN BYLAW, 2010, NO. 1923, AMENDMENT NO. 6, 2022, NO. 2452 1.White Rock Sign Bylaw, 2010, No. 1923, Amendment No. 6, Bylaw, 2022, No. 2452 - Bylaw.pdfBylaw 2452 - A Bylaw to amend Schedule II – Permit Fee Schedule of the White Rock Sign Bylaw, 2010, No. 1923RECOMMENDATIONTHAT Council give final readings to "White Rock Sign Bylaw, 2010, No. 1923, Amendment No. 6, 2022 No. 2452".8.1.cBYLAW 2448 - WATER SERVICES BYLAW, 2015, NO. 2117, AMENDMENT NO. 11, BYLAW, 2022, NO. 2448 1.Water Services Bylaw, 2015, No. 2117 Amendment No. 11 Bylaw 2021 No. 2448 - Bylaw.pdfBylaw 2448 - A bylaw to amend the Water Services Bylaw, 2015, No. 2117, replacement of Schedule A "Service Fees for Specified Services Description of Work or Service Amount". RECOMMENDATIONTHAT Council give final readings to "Water Services Bylaw, 2015, No. 2117, Amendment No. 11, Bylaw, 2022, No. 2448".8.1.dBYLAW 2450 - LATECOMER INTEREST RATE BYLAW, 2015, NO. 2088, AMENDMENT NO. 3, 2022, NO. 2450 1.Latecomer charges Bylaw No. 2088, Amendment No, 3, 2022 No. 2450 - Bylaw.pdfBylaw 2450 - A bylaw to amend the Latecomer Interest Rate Bylaw, regarding the calculating of interest for latecomer charges.RECOMMENDATIONTHAT Council give final readings to "Latecomer Interest Rate Bylaw, 2015, No. 2088, Amendment No. 3, 2022, No. 2450".8.1.eBYLAW 2453 - WATER SERVICES BYLAW, 2015, NO. 2117, AMENDMENT NO. 12, 2023, NO. 2453 1.Water Services Bylaw 2015, No. 2117, Amendment No. 12, 2023 No. 2453 - Bylaw.pdfBylaw 2453 - A bylaw to amend the Water Services Bylaw.Note: This bylaw was the subject of a corporate report in the Finance and Audit Committee meeting held earlier in the eveningRECOMMENDATIONTHAT Council give first, second and third reading to "Water Services Bylaw, 2015, No. 2117, Amendment No. 12, 2023, No. 2453".8.2PERMITS None9.CORRESPONDENCE 9.1CORRESPONDENCE - RECEIVED FOR INFORMATION Note: Further action on the following correspondence items may be considered. Council may request that any item be brought forward for discussion, and may propose a motion of action on the matter.Note: Council may wish to refer this matter to staff for consideration and response.9.1.aMETRO VANCOUVER BOARD - NOMINATIONS FOR MEMBERSHIP ON METRO VANCOUVER'S AGRICULTURAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE 1.Nominations for Membership on Metro Vancouver’s AAC - 2022 Dec 14 - Outgoing to City of White Rock.pdfCorrespondence dated December 14, 2022 from Mayor George V. Harvie, Chair, Metro Vancouver Board, inviting Council to nominate a representative to serve on Metro Vancouver's Agricultural Advisory Committee for a four-year term starting in 2023.RECOMMENDATIONTHAT Council appoint _______ to serve on the Metro Vancouver Agricultural Advisory Committee for a four-year term.9.1.bWASTE MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION OF BC - WHITE ROCK COLLECTION, REMOVAL, DISPOSAL AND RECYCLING OF SOLID WASTE BYLAW 2402 1.City of White Rock Bylaw 2402 - follow up correspondence.pdf2.WMABC - WR 12222022.pdfCorrespondence dated December 22, 2022 from Lori Bryan, Executive Director, Waste Management Association of BC (WMABC) regarding the City's Collection, Removal, Disposal and Recycling of Solid Waste Bylaw.10.MAYOR AND COUNCILLOR REPORTS 10.1MAYOR’S REPORT 10.2COUNCILLORS REPORTS 11.MOTIONS AND NOTICES OF MOTION 11.1MOTIONS 11.2NOTICES OF MOTION 12.RELEASE OF ITEMS FROM CLOSED COUNCIL MEETINGS 13.OTHER BUSINESS 14.CONCLUSION OF THE JANUARY 16, 2023 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.2023 Fees and Charges Bylaw, 2022, No. 2447 - Bylaw.pdf2.2023 Fees and Charges Bylaw, 2022, No. 2447 -Schedules.pdf1.White Rock Sign Bylaw, 2010, No. 1923, Amendment No. 6, Bylaw, 2022, No. 2452 - Bylaw.pdf1.Water Services Bylaw, 2015, No. 2117 Amendment No. 11 Bylaw 2021 No. 2448 - Bylaw.pdf1.Latecomer charges Bylaw No. 2088, Amendment No, 3, 2022 No. 2450 - Bylaw.pdf1.Nominations for Membership on Metro Vancouver’s AAC - 2022 Dec 14 - Outgoing to City of White Rock.pdf1.City of White Rock Bylaw 2402 - follow up correspondence.pdf2.WMABC - WR 12222022.pdf1.Friends of Semiahmoo Bay Letter Attachment.pdf1.Post-Meeting Minutes - Finance and Audit Committee Meeting_Dec05_2022 - English.pdf2.Post-Meeting Minutes - LUPC_Dec05_2022 - English.pdf1.2023-01-16 Revisit Interpretive Signage Designs.pdf2.Appendix A - Minutes Extract - Interpretive Signage.pdf3.Interpretive Signage Design July 2022.pdf1.Multi-family and Commercial Solid Waste Collection.pdf2.Corporate report dated September 20, 2022.pdf3.2022-07-25 Progress Update on MF and ICI Solid Waste Transition.pdf4.WMABC - WR 12222022(1).pdf1.Water Services Bylaw 2015, No. 2117, Amendment No. 12, 2023 No. 2453 - Bylaw.pdf1.2023-01-16 BNSF Lease Renewal.pdf1.Proposed Council Bylaw Enforcement Policy.pdf2.Special-Report-No-36-Bylaw-Enforcement-Best-Practices-Guide-for-Local-Governments.pdf3.Bylaw Enforcement Policy 518 2023 .pdf1.HFCW Update.pdf2.Appendix A HFCW Oct 2021 with Options.pdf3.Appendix B CAC March 8, 2021.pdf4.Appendix C HFCW Sep 20 rpt and Bylaws 1,2,3.pdf5.Appendix D -HFCW Sep 20 2022 Minutes incl 8.pdf6.Appendix E Supreme Court Reasons for Judgement.pdf1.Post-Meeting Minutes - RM_Dec05_2022 - English.pdf2.Post-Meeting Minutes - Special Council Meeting_Dec12_2022 - English.pdf