The Corporation of the CITY OF WHITE ROCKRegular Council MeetingAGENDAMonday, February 27, 2023 at 7:00 P.m. - 9:00 P.m.City Hall Council Chambers15322 Buena Vista Avenue, White Rock, BC, V4B 1Y6*Live Streaming/Telecast: Please note that all Committees, Task Forces, Council Meetings, and Public Hearings held in the Council Chamber are being recorded and broadcasted as well included on the City’s website at: T. Arthur, Director of Corporate Administration1.CALL MEETING TO ORDER 1.1FIRST NATIONS LAND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We would like to recognize that we are standing/working/meeting on the traditional unceded territory of the Semiahmoo First Nation, and also wish to acknowledge the broader territory of the Coast Salish Peoples. 2.ADOPTION OF AGENDA RECOMMENDATIONTHAT the Corporation of the City of White Rock Council adopt the agenda for its regular meeting scheduled for February 27, 2023 as circulated.3.ADOPTION OF MINUTES 1.Post-Meeting Minutes - RM_Feb13_2023 - English.pdfRECOMMENDATIONTHAT the Corporation of the City of White Rock Council adopt the February 13, 2023 regular meeting minutes as presented.3.1MEETING POSTPONED (ADJOURNED) The Regular Meeting will recess in order to consider three (3) Public Meetings regarding the following proposed applications: Development Variance Permit No. 452 (1273 Fir Street) Development Variance Permit No. 448 (1122 Vidal Street); and, Development Variance Permit No. 449 (13836 Marine Drive). The Regular Meeting will reconvene following the adjournment or conclusion of the Public Meetings.RECOMMENDATIONTHAT Council: Postpone the February 27, 2023 Regular Council meeting at this time until the adjournment or conclusion of the Public Meetings for the following applications: Development Variance Permit No. 452 (1273 Fir Street); Development Variance Permit No. 448 (1122 Vidal Street); and, Development Variance Permit No. 449 (13836 Marine Drive); and, Directly following the Public Meetings the Regular Council meeting will be reconvened in the City's Council Chambers. 3.2MEETING RECONVENES The Regular Meeting will now reconvene following the adjournment or conclusion of the Public Meetings for the following applications: Development Variance Permit No. 452 (1273 Fir Street); Development Variance Permit No. 448 (1122 Vidal Street); and, Development Variance Permit No. 449 (13836 Marine Drive). 4.QUESTION AND ANSWER PERIOD Question and Answer Period will be taking place both in person at the meeting, as well as electronically through email. If you wish to have your question submitted electronically you may forward questions and comments to Mayor and Council by emailing [email protected] with Question and Answer Period noted in the subject line.As of 8:30 a.m., February 22, 2023, there were no Question and Answer period submissions received.Note: there are to be no questions or comments on a matter that will be the subject of a public hearing (time between the public hearing and final consideration of the bylaw).RECOMMENDATIONTHAT Council receive for information any "On-Table" correspondence submitted for Question and Answer Period by 12:00 p.m. (noon), February 27, 2023, including staff responses that are available at the time.4.1CHAIRPERSON CALLS FOR SPEAKERS TO QUESTION AND ANSWER PERIOD 5.DELEGATIONS AND PETITIONS 5.1DELEGATIONS 5.1.aUNITED WAY BC - SIGNY MADDEN Signy Madden, Director of Government Relations, to attend to inform of the United Way's impact on the White Rock community.5.1.bFRASER HEALTH AUTHORITY - DR. EMILY NEWHOUSE AND ADRIANNA SPYKER Dr. Emily Newhouse and Adrianna Spyker, Fraser Health Authority, to attend to introduce themselves to Council and to provide an overview of the roles of the Fraser Health Wellness Team.5.1.cTIDES OF CHANGE COMMUNITY ACTION TEAM - GEORGE PASSMORE, MATT HUOT AND SHAUNA SMITH George Passmore, Matt Huot and Shauna Smith to attend to inform of community initiatives completed in the past few years and what is planned for 2023 for the Tides of Change Community Action Team. 5.2PETITIONS None6.PRESENTATIONS AND CORPORATE REPORTS 6.1PRESENTATIONS None6.2CORPORATE REPORTS 6.2.a2023 EVENTS AT MIRAMAR PLAZA 1.02-27-23 Miramar Plaza Events .pdf2.Appendix A - Miramar Plaza Use Guidelines.pdfCorporate report dated February 27, 2023, from the Manager of Cultural Development, Recreation and Culture, titled "2023 Events at Miramar Plaza".RECOMMENDATIONTHAT Council endorse the following events to be held on the public open space located in Miramar Village Plaza in 2023: “White Rock Farmer’s Market” on Sundays, from April 16 to October 15, 2023. “White Rock Jazz and Blue’s Festival” on Saturday, June 17, 2023 “Live Yoga” on Saturday, June 24, 2023. “Family Pride Day” on Saturday, July 22, 2023. “Christmas on the Peninsula” on Saturday, November 25, 2023. 6.2.b1273 FIR STREET, WHITE ROCK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - DEVELOPMENT VARIANCE PERMIT NO. 452 (FILE DVP 23-002) 1.1273 Fir Street, White Rock Elementary School, - Development Variance Permit (DVP file 23-002).pdf2.A - DRAFT Development Variance Permit No. 452.pdf3.APPENDIX B Applicant Rationale Letter January 31, 2023.pdf4.APPENDIX C Building Height Survey January 19, 2023.pdf5.APPENDIX D Site Plan Elevations January 27, 2023.pdf6.APPENDIX E 2021-04-26 - Final DVP 436 - WR Elementary (20-023)_signed.pdf7.APPENDIX F Planning Procedure Bylaw Excerpt DVP application process.pdfCorporate report dated February 27, 2023 from the Director of Planning and Development Services titled "1273 Fir Street, White Rock Elementary School - Development Variance Permit No. 452 (File DVP 23-002)".Note: The Public Meeting for DVP No. 452 (1273 Fir Street) was held earlier this evening. This DVP is on the agenda for consideration under Item 8.2.a. RECOMMENDATIONTHAT Council receive the corporate report dated February 27, 2023 from the Director of Planning and Development Services titled "1273 Fir Street, White Rock Elementary School - Development Variance Permit No. 452 (File DVP 23-002)".7.MINUTES AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF COMMITTEES 7.1STANDING AND SELECT COMMITTEE MINUTES 1.Post-Meeting Minutes - Finance and Audit Committee Meeting_Feb13_2023 - English.pdfRECOMMENDATIONTHAT Council receive for information the following standing committee meeting minutes as circulated: Finance and Audit Committee, February 13, 2023. 7.2STANDING AND SELECT COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS 7.2.aLAND USE AND PLANNING COMMITTEE (COUNCILLOR TREVELYAN, CHAIRPERSON) Note: The following recommendations were discussed at the Land Use and Planning Committee meeting held earlier in the evening. Council may consider the following recommendations at this time, or may defer to a future meeting.7.2.a.aDEVELOPMENT VARIANCE PERMIT NO. 450 - 1588 JOHNSTON ROAD (DVP 22-017) RECOMMENDATIONTHAT Council: Direct Planning staff to obtain public input through a public meeting with notice of the meeting given in accordance with the Local Government Act, including notice in newspapers and the City of White Rock Planning Procedures Bylaw, 2017, No. 2234; and Following the electronic public meeting, recommend that Council consider approval of Development Variance Permit No. 450. 7.2.a.bINITIAL REVIEW OF ACTIVE REZONING / OCP APPLICATIONS RECOMMENDATIONTHAT Council: Direct staff to advance the zoning amendment application at 1590 Lancaster Street and proceed to the next stage in the application review process. Direct staff to advance the zoning amendment application at 1589 Maple Street and proceed to the next stage in the application review process. Direct staff to advance the zoning and OCP amendment application at 15409 Buena Vista and proceed to the next stage in the application review process. Direct staff to advance the zoning amendment application at 1341 Parker Street and proceed to the next stage in the application review process. 8.BYLAWS AND PERMITS 8.1BYLAWS 8.1.aBYLAW 2455: LATECOMER CHARGES BYLAW NO. 2088, AMENDMENT NO. 4, 2023, NO. 2455 1.Bylaw 2455 Latecomer Interest Rate Bylaw, 2015, No 2088, Amendment No. 4, 2023.pdfBylaw 2455 - A bylaw to amend section one (1) of the Latecomer Interest Rate Bylaw, 2015, No. 2088. This bylaw required a housekeeping amendment in regard to start date. The Bylaw received first, second and third reading at the February 13, 2023 Regular Council meeting and is now presented for consideration of final reading. RECOMMENDATIONTHAT Council give final reading to "Latecomer Interest Rate Bylaw, 2015, No 2088, Amendment No. 4, 2023 No. 2455".8.2PERMITS 8.2.aDEVELOPMENT VARIANCE PERMIT NO. 452 (1273 FIR STREET) - WHITE ROCK ELEMENTARY 1.DRAFT DVP No. 452.pdfNote: DVP No. 452 (1273 Fir Street) was the subject of a Public Meeting held earlier in the evening, as well as a corporate report under Item 6.2.b, and is on the agenda for consideration at this time.RECOMMENDATIONTHAT Council approve the issuance of Development Variance Permit No. 452 (1273 Fir Street) for the White Rock Elementary School.9.CORRESPONDENCE None10.MAYOR AND COUNCILLOR REPORTS 10.1MAYOR’S REPORT 10.2COUNCILLORS REPORTS 11.MOTIONS AND NOTICES OF MOTION 11.1MOTIONS 11.2NOTICES OF MOTION 12.RELEASE OF ITEMS FROM CLOSED COUNCIL MEETINGS 13.OTHER BUSINESS 14.CONCLUSION OF THE FEBRUARY 27, 2023 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.Bylaw 2455 Latecomer Interest Rate Bylaw, 2015, No 2088, Amendment No. 4, 2023.pdf1.Post-Meeting Minutes - RM_Feb13_2023 - English.pdf1.02-27-23 Miramar Plaza Events .pdf2.Appendix A - Miramar Plaza Use Guidelines.pdf1.1273 Fir Street, White Rock Elementary School, - Development Variance Permit (DVP file 23-002).pdf2.A - DRAFT Development Variance Permit No. 452.pdf3.APPENDIX B Applicant Rationale Letter January 31, 2023.pdf4.APPENDIX C Building Height Survey January 19, 2023.pdf5.APPENDIX D Site Plan Elevations January 27, 2023.pdf6.APPENDIX E 2021-04-26 - Final DVP 436 - WR Elementary (20-023)_signed.pdf7.APPENDIX F Planning Procedure Bylaw Excerpt DVP application process.pdf1.DRAFT DVP No. 452.pdf1.Post-Meeting Minutes - Finance and Audit Committee Meeting_Feb13_2023 - English.pdf