The Corporation of the

Regular Council Meeting

City Hall Council Chambers
15322 Buena Vista Avenue, White Rock, BC, V4B 1Y6

*Live Streaming/Telecast: Please note that all Committees, Task Forces, Council Meetings, and Public Hearings held in the Council Chamber are being recorded and broadcasted as well included on the City’s website at:


The City of White Rock is committed to the health and safety of our community. In keeping with
Ministerial Orders from the Province of British Columbia, City Council meetings will take
place without the public in attendance at this time until further notice.


T. Arthur, Director of Corporate Administration

We would like to recognize that we are standing/working/meeting on the traditional unceded territory of the Semiahmoo First Nation, and also wish to acknowledge the broader territory of the Coast Salish Peoples.


    THAT the Corporation of the City of White Rock Council adopt the agenda for its regular meeting scheduled for February 28, 2022 as circulated.


    THAT the Corporation of the City of White Rock Council adopt the
    February 7, 2022 meeting minutes as circulated.

Question and Answer Period will be taking place both in person at the meeting, as well as electronically through email. 

If you wish to have your question submitted electronically you may forward questions and comments to Mayor and Council by emailing [email protected] with Question and Answer Period noted in the subject line.

As of 8:30 a.m., February 23, 2022, there was one (1) Question and Answer Period submission received:

  • Submission from J. Arlington with a question regarding neon light strips on new property developments and whether they fall within the City's allowable parameters for brightness levels. A response from the Acting Director of Planning and Development Services is attached for information.

Note: there are to be no questions or comments on a matter that will be the subject of a public hearing (time between the public hearing and final consideration of the bylaw).


    THAT Council receive for information the correspondence submitted for Question and Answer Period by February 28, 2022, including “On-Table” information provided with staff responses that are available at the time.

Kerry Wray and Shelley Mare to attend to advocate for the trimming of the hump, as in past City practices.

Note:  There will be further information provided in regard to this item by the delegation.


Staff Sergeant Kale Pauls, White Rock RCMP, to give a presentation regarding their 2021 Annual Report.

Doug Tennant, Chief Executive Officer, Uniti, to attend to discuss best practices in the development of affordable and inclusive housing and the need for such housing in White Rock and South Surrey.

The Fire Chief to provide an On Table update regarding COVID-19.

Corporate report dated February 28, 2022 from the Director of Engineering and Municipal Operations titled "Tree Protection, Canopy Enhancement and Management on City Lands Policy 611 - Update".


    THAT Council approve the updates to Policy 611 as presented in this report to be incorporated in an updated Policy 611, attached as Appendix A.

Corporate report dated February 28, 2022 from the Director of Corporate Administration titled "2022 Council Consideration of By-Election".


    THAT Council consider and endorse a by-election not being required to fill the vacancy on City Council of one (1) Councillor, as Council meets the requirements of section 54(3) of the Local Government Act.

Council's 2022 Top Priorities with new activity comments provided for information:


  • Solid Waste Pickup for Multi-Family: Consulting contract is being executed.  Data input form is being finalized so contact with stratas and businesses for detailed data can get underway (last week of February).  Staff initialized contact with the industry and will begin follow up.  It appears there may be ten (10) or more haulers.  

  • Housing Needs / Affordable Housing: Staff are moving forward with the Housing Needs Report 2021 recommendations, preparation is underway for a public workshop to be held in April 2022.

  • Community Amenity Contribution "Shovel-in-the-Ground" Projects: 

    - Emerson Park Playground Upgrade: Staff delivered notices to nearby residents informing them of upcoming construction work scheduled at Emerson Park in the Spring of this year.  The original plan was to add additional landscaping work throughout the park by removing nearby cedar hedges to help reduce illicit activity and improve site lines.  However, after feedback from several residents and re-valuation of the security risks, staff determined the hedges will be kept. Other upgrades will proceed as planned (playground equipment, irrigation, surface grading and removal of deteriorating retaining wall).    

    - Maccaud Park Upgrade:  No new information, the designer continues to move forward toward the 90% design

    - Centre Street Hillside Walkway Upgrade: The lawyer for three (3) of the encroaching properties is in discussion with the City's legal resources.  Staff continue to advise that the encroachments must be removed as there is no agreement with the owners that these must be removed.  The design is proceeding with material and grade variations to mitigate costs.  The design continues to be based on removal of the encroachments.  

    - Review Options for Upgrading Multiple Hillside Walkways (Road Ends) to the Waterfront:  No new information:  Blackwood, Vidal and other walkways have been cleaned and plantings are redesigned and completed this will be ready for spring

  • The City's Relationship with the Semiahmoo First Nation (SFN):  Staff continue to reach out to SFN.  One (1) response suggested that SFN would find a time in the subsequent week, however that did not work out.  Staff will continue to reach out.   

    THAT Council receive for information the following standing and select committee meeting minutes as circulated:

    • Finance and Audit Committee - February 7, 2022.

The Director of Engineering and Municipal Operations to speak to the Environmental Advisory Committee's 2022 Work Plan.

Note: Work Plan and Committee's last meeting minutes from
October 28, 2021 are attached for reference purposes.

The Housing Advisory Committee held their first meeting for 2022 on Tuesday, February 22nd.  The meeting minutes were not completed by agenda distribution however due to timing the following recommendation has been brought forward for Council consideration at this time.  


    THAT Council endorse the Housing Advisory Committee schedule an additional meeting to be held Thursday, March 17, 2022. 





Note: Further action on the following correspondence items may be considered. Council may request that any item be brought forward for discussion, and may propose a motion of action on the matter.

Note: Council may wish to refer this matter to staff for consideration and response.


    THAT Council receive correspondence circulated in the agenda as Items 9.1.a. - 9.1.c.

Correspondence dated February 9, 2022 from the BC Association of Farmers' Markets requesting the City write a letter to the Minister of Health to inform of the positive impact of BC Farmers and farmers' markets in our Community in 2021.  They addressed a fundamental community need as economic impacts were being felt due to the pandemic and multiple adverse weather events from the head dome to floods and fire throughout the province.

Correspondence dated February 11, 2022 from the City of Delta to inform for the final public comment opportunity regarding the RBT2 project and concern noted by the City of Delta Council who state that a decision should be postponed until a comparative analysis with the Deltaport Berth 4 project has been undertaken, or failing that, be denied based on the expected adverse environmental impacts.  

Correspondence dated February 10, 2022 from the District of North Vancouver requesting support in asking the Mayors' Council on Regional Transportation to prioritize the inclusion of the Burrard Inlet Rapid Transit in the 10-Year Regional Transit and Transportation Vision.  

Note:  A full copy of the noted assessment is attached under separate cover due to the document size


Mayor Walker provided the following for consideration:


    THAT Council, in order to fill a vacancy left on the Council, now adjust and appoint the following as Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson to the Housing Advisory Committee until the end of the current Council term:

    • Councillor Manning, Chairperson
    • Councillor Trevelyan, Vice-Chairperson.  

    THAT Council, in order to fill a vacancy on the Council, now adjust and appoint the following as Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson to the Economic Development Advisory Committee until the end of the current Council term:

    • Councillor Trevelyan, Chairperson
    • Councillor Manning, Vice-Chairperson.  

Councillor Johanson provided the following motion for consideration to be forwarded to the Lower Mainland Local Government Association (LMLGA) followed by the Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM):  


    WHEREAS Bill 26 – 2021: Municipal Affairs Statutes Amendment Act
    (No. 2), 2021 does not require a local government to adopt a Code
    of Conduct for Council members;

    WHEREAS many local governments in British Columbia cannot afford or do not have an independent non-partisan Ethics Commissioner to review and resolve allegations of misconduct;

    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Lower Mainland Local Government Association and UBCM call upon the provincial government to immediately create an Office of the Municipal Ethics Commissioner within the Ministry of Municipal Affairs that will:

    1) respond to allegations of misconduct by an elected official of a municipal government and conduct an inquiry if warranted, and
    2) review decisions imposed on an elected official of a municipal government and conduct an inquiry if warranted.

Councillor Johanson has requested Council to reconsider the carried motion in regard to the White Rock Promenade Sculpture Competition from the February 7, 2022 regular Council meeting:  

THAT Council not approve the following event for 2022:

2. White Rock Promenade Sculpture Competition, May 22, 2022, through April 2023, to be organized by the White Rock Events Society.  


    THAT Council endorses a reconsideration of the second item (2.) of the following carried resolution:  

    THAT Council not approve the following events for 2022:

    1. White Rock Lights display from November 18, 2022 to February 18, 2023, to be organized by the White Rock Lights Society; and 

    2.  White Rock Promenade Sculpture Competition, May 22, 2022, through April 2023, to be organized by the white Rock Events Society.  


    THAT Council approve the following event for 2022:

    • White Rock Promenade Sculpture Competition, May 22, 2022, through April 2023, to be organized by the White Rock Events Society.  

Councillor Manning has requested Council to reconsider the defeated motion in regard to Bylaw 2418 from the February 7, 2022 regular Council meeting.


    THAT Council endorse a reconsideration motion of the following that was defeated at the February 7, 2022 regular Council meeting: 

    THAT Council give first and second readings to "White Rock Zoning Bylaw, 2012, No. 2000, Amendment (CD-67 - 14937 Thrift Avenue and 1441, 1443-45, 1465 Vidal Street) Bylaw, 2022, No. 2418" as presented. 


    THAT Council directs staff to work with the developer to bring forward to a regular Council meeting the “White Rock Zoning Bylaw, 2012, No. 2000, Amendment (CD-67 – 14937 Thrift Avenue and 1441, 1443-45, 1465 Vidal Street) Bylaw, 2022, No. 2418” for consideration of first and second reading with an amended proposal to address the massing of the building.  

Councillor Chesney has requested Council to consider the following:


    That Council approves the Centre Street project be dedicated in memory of Councillor Helen Fathers and directs the project be named with signage to be erected as follows:

    • Helen Fathers Centre Street Walkway.