The Corporation of the

Regular Council Meeting

City Hall Council Chambers
15322 Buena Vista Avenue, White Rock, BC, V4B 1Y6

*Live Streaming/Telecast: Please note that all Committees, Task Forces, Council Meetings, and Public Hearings held in the Council Chamber are being recorded and broadcasted as well included on the City’s website at:


T. Arthur, Director of Corporate Administration

We would like to recognize that we are standing/working/meeting on the traditional unceded territory of the Semiahmoo First Nation, and also wish to acknowledge the broader territory of the Coast Salish Peoples.


    THAT the Corporation of the City of White Rock Council adopt the agenda for its regular meeting scheduled for June 13, 2022 as circulated.


    THAT the Corporation of the City of White Rock Council adopt the following meeting minutes as circulated:

    • Regular Council, May 30, 2022; and,
    • Public Hearing for Bylaw 2429 (15916 Russell Avenue), June 6, 2022

Question and Answer Period will be taking place both in person at the meeting, as well as electronically through email. 

If you wish to have your question submitted electronically you may forward questions and comments to Mayor and Council by emailing [email protected] with Question and Answer Period noted in the subject line.

As of 8:30 a.m., June 8, 2022 there were no Question and Answer period submissions received.

Note: there are to be no questions or comments on a matter that will be the subject of a public hearing (time between the public hearing and final consideration of the bylaw).



    THAT Council receive for information the correspondence submitted for Question and Answer Period by 8:30 a.m. June 13, 2022, including “On-Table” information provided with staff responses that are available at the time.

Deanna Pedersen and Cindy Poppy, White Rock Events Society, to attend to provide an update on the White Rock Promenade Sculptures Competition. 

Stephanie Beck, Executive Director, and Geoff Funke, Past Board Chair, Peace Arch Hospital Foundation to attend to discuss Promenade Exercise Equipment and Phase 2 of the Playground Project.



The Fire Chief to provide an On Table update regarding COVID-19.

Corporate report from the Director of Engineering and Municipal Operations dated June 13, 2022 titled "Contract Award - Helen Fathers Centre Street Walkway Upgrades and Improvement Project".


    THAT Mayor and Council:

    1. Receive for information the corporate report dated June 13, 2022, from the Director of Engineering and Municipal Operations, titled “Contract Award – Helen Fathers Centre Street Walkway Upgrades and Improvement Project,” and
    2. Approve the award of the Helen Fathers Centre Street Walkway Upgrades and Improvement Project construction contract to Cedar Crest Land BC Ltd. in the amount of $2,415K (excluding GST), with a total construction expenditure limit of $3,019K (excluding GST) subject to Council approval of the Financial Plan 2022 Amendment proposed on the June 13, 2022 Agenda.

Corporate report from the Acting Director of Financial Services titled "White Rock Financial Plan (2022-2026) Bylaw, 2022, No. 2428, Amendment No, 1, 2022, No. 2431".

Note: Bylaw 2431 is on the agenda for consideration under Item 8.1.a


    THAT Council receive for information the corporate report dated
    June 13, 2022, from the Acting Director of Financial Services, titled “White Rock Financial Plan (2022-2026) Bylaw, 2022, No. 2428, Amendment No. 1, 2022 No. 2431”.

Corporate report from the Director of Planning and Development Services dated June 13, 2022 titled "Metro 2050 Regional Growth Strategy".

Note: The full Metro 2050 Regional Growth Strategy can be viewed here.


    THAT Council:

    1. Receives for information the Metro Vancouver Regional Growth Strategy, titled “Metro 2050 (Metro Vancouver Regional District Regional Growth Strategy Bylaw No. 1339, 2022),”;
    2. Accepts, as presented, the proposed Metro 2050 Regional Growth Strategy (Metro Vancouver Regional District Regional Growth Strategy Bylaw No. 1339, 2022) pursuant to section 436 of the Local Government Act; and
    3. Directs staff to forward the Council resolution of acceptance of Metro 2050 Regional Growth Strategy (Metro Vancouver Regional District Regional Growth Strategy Bylaw No. 1339, 2022) to Metro Vancouver Regional District.

Corporate report dated June 13, 2022 from the Director of Planning and Development Services titled "White Rock Zoning Bylaw, 2012, No. 2000, Amendment (CD Zone 62 - 1453 Stayte Road) Bylaw, 2022, No. 2434.

Note: Bylaw 2434 is on the agenda for consideration under Item 8.2.b.


    THAT Council receive for information the corporate report dated
    June 13, 2022, from the Director of Planning and Development Services, titled "White Rock Zoning Bylaw, 2012, No. 2000, Amendment (CD Zone 62-1453 Stayte Road) Bylaw, 2022, No. 2434".

Council's 2022 Top Priorities with new activity comments provided for information:

  • Solid Waste Pickup for Multi-Family:  

Data collection is complete for 329 of the 331 properties. Concerns expressed by Stratas include contracts extending beyond January 2024 (approx. 11%), pullout of containers from garages and costs.

Consultant and staff continue to meet to determine most effective way to prepare the RFP.  Consultations with contractors also continue.

  • Housing Needs / Affordable Housing: On April 25, 2022 the draft Housing Strategy presented to Council from the Committee was removed by Council for consideration - later in the agenda some committee recommendations were received by Council and some were not approved / not endorsed.  Council has directed the Housing Advisory Committee to focus on partnering with non-profit organizations and utilizing the funding and grants as outlined at the Affordable Housing workshop, held in April 2022, in furtherance of affordable seniors housing.  Work on this is ongoing.

  • Community Amenity Contribution "Shovel-in-the-Ground" Projects:
    - Emerson Park Playground Upgrade: 

    Staff are completing the project with the final landscape work to start shortly. Staff to report back in three months with details on options for playground equipment suitable for older children. Opening ceremony is being organized for early July.

    - Maccaud Park Upgrade:  Contractor on site and work is underway. Multiple nesting surveys before tree removal showed no nests in the trees that were removed

    - Helen Fathers Centre Street Hillside Walkway:
      Staff to provide an update and options for Council on June 13th

    Review Options for Upgrading Multiple Hillside Walkways (Road Ends) to Waterfront:  Funding application submitted before the March 28th deadline.

  • The City's Relationship with the Semiahmoo First Nation (SFN):  Staff are working with SFN Council to see when they will be ready to meet again to discuss the draft Communications Memorandum of Understanding.

    Staff are working with SFN on plans for National Indigenous Peoples Day on June 21.

    THAT Council receive for information the following standing and select committee meeting minutes as circulated:

    • Land Use and Planning Committee, May 30, 2022;
    • Economic Development Advisory Committee, May 18, 2022;
    • Housing Advisory Committee, May 24, 2022; and,
    • Environmental Advisory Committee, May 26, 2022.

    THAT Council receive for information that the Economic Development Advisory Committee express support for Mayor Walker to pursue further conversations with TransLink to enhance public transportation in White Rock.


    THAT Council consider waiving or reducing Community Amenity Contributions (CACs) and Development Cost Charges (DCCs) for non-market housing projects, for example senior housing and special needs housing.


    THAT Council endorse non-market housing projects to be inclusive, incorporating seniors, people with disabilities and other below-market groups.

Note:  Council may refer the recommendation to staff so they can review current workload in relation to this request.


    THAT Council direct staff to complete, during Council's current term, implementation of its directives on Bylaw and Policy amendments concerning Landscape Open Space and Electric Vehicle Parking (Council Motion 2022-142), the Energy Step Code (Motion 2022-143), Fossil Fuel Based Equipment (Motion 2022-207) and Single-Use Plastics (Motion 2022-208).

Note:  Council may refer the recommendation to staff so they can review current workload in relation to this request.


    THAT Council direct staff to:

    1. Prepare, as a matter of priority, a Climate Vulnerabilities Report identifying current and prospective vulnerabilities, risks and potential costs of climate change to public health and safety, private and public property and infrastructure in White Rock; and
    2. Initiate work on a Climate Change Adaptation Strategy Report suggesting short- and medium-term priorities for action to address or adapt to the challenges identified in the Climate Vulnerabilities Report, including appropriate operational, infrastructural, policy or bylaw measures.

Note:  Council may refer the recommendation to staff so they can review current workload in relation to this request.


    THAT Council direct staff to give priority to identifying any governmental or extra-governmental programs or funds that might be accessed to help inform or support the pursuit of the above priorities as well as any other climate change-related measures.

Note:  Council may refer the recommendation to staff so they can review current workload in relation to this request.


    THAT Council direct the CAO to establish appropriate organizational measures to facilitate completion of the above priorities and promote more systematic and sustained focus on the climate change priority in ongoing policy and operational processes.

Note:  Council may refer the recommendation to staff so they can review current workload in relation to this request.


    THAT Council direct staff to keep Council regularly apprised of developments regarding the City’s climate change challenges and responses and that a staff report on the City’s climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts be presented at least annually to a regular meeting of Council.


    THAT Council receive for information the Committee's report, titled "Setting Short-Term Priorities and Organizing for Effective Action on Climate Change," including the above recommendations (as amended).


Bylaw 2431 - A bylaw to adopt a Financial Plan for 2022 to 2026.  This bylaw would replace Schedules "A" and "B" in order to increase funding for the Helen Fathers Centre Street Hillside Walkway Upgrades and Improvements Project.

Note: This Bylaw was the subject of a Corporate Report under item 6.2.c.


    THAT Council give first, second and third reading to "White Rock Financial Plan (2022-2026) Bylaw 2428, 2022, Amendment No. 1, 2022, No. 2431".

Bylaw 2434 - A bylaw to amend the "White Rock Zoning Bylaw, 2012, No. 2000" to enable the development of a 20 unit townhouse project at 1453 Stayte Road.

Note: This Bylaw was the subject of a Corporate report under Item 6.2.e.


    THAT  Council give first and second reading to "White Rock Zoning Bylaw 2012, No. 2000, Amendment (CD Zone 62 - 1453 Stayte Road) Bylaw, 2022, No. 2434".


    THAT Council direct staff to schedule the required Public Hearing for "White Rock Zoning Bylaw 2012, No. 2000, Amendment (CD Zone 62 - 1453 Stayte Road) Bylaw, 2022, No. 2434".


    THAT Council direct staff to resolve the following issues prior to final adoption, if Bylaw No. 2434 is given Third Reading after the Public Hearing:

      1. Ensure that all engineering requirements and issues, including of a 2.0 metre road dedication on the Stayte Road frontage and completion of a servicing agreement, are addressed to the satisfaction of the Director of Engineering and Municipal Operations;

    b. Confirm and ensure the recommendations of the final arborist report, approved by the Director of Planning and Development Services and, more specifically the City’s Arboricultural Technician, are implemented and maintained through future demolition and construction activities.

Bylaw 2432 - A bylaw to amend the current Mail Ballot Authorization and Procedure bylaw in regard to mail ballots received after 4:00 p.m. on the Thursday before general voting day.  This bylaw gives clarification that these ballots may be processed to the secrecy envelope stage with the intent they will then be processed in the vote tabulation machines at one time thus giving opportunity for the results to be available within the quickest time possible.  


    THAT Council give first, second and third reading to "Mail Ballot Authorization and Procedure Bylaw, 2022, Bylaw 2427, Amendment No. 1, 2022, No. 2432".

Bylaw 2429 - A bylaw to amend the White Rock Zoning Bylaw from the “RS-1 One-Unit Residential Zone” to the “RS-4 One-Unit (12.1 m Lot Width) Residential Zone” at 15916 Russell Avenue, allowing for a two-lot subdivision and the construction of two single detached dwellings. This bylaw received first and second reading on May 9, 2022 and was the subject of a Public Hearing on June 6, 2022.  It is on the agenda for consideration of third reading at this time.


    THAT Council give third reading to "White Rock Zoning Bylaw, 2012, No. 2000, Amendment (RS-4 - 15916 Russell Avenue) Bylaw, 2022, No. 2429".



Note: Further action on the following correspondence items may be considered. Council may request that any item be brought forward for discussion, and may propose a motion of action on the matter.


    THAT Council receive the correspondence Items 9.1.a - 9.1.d as circulated.  

Metro Vancouver Board in Brief from meetings of May 27, 2022.

Correspondence dated April 10, 2022 from Candy Keillor, Community Engagement Specialist, Operation Smile Canada, sharing information about the organization and a request for the City to recognize June 19, 2022 as the Longest Day of SMILES. 

Note: Council Policy No. 109 notes that the City of White Rock does not make official proclamations. This item has been included under correspondence for public information purposes.  

Correspondence dated May 24, 2022 from Councillor Laurey-Anne Roodenburg, Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) President, regarding a 2022 Lower Mainland Local Government Association (LMLGA) resolution provided by Council and endorsed at the 2022 LMLGA Spring Convention.

Updated correspondence from the Honourable Marco Mendocino, Minister of Public Safety, to the president of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) regarding the collective agreement between the Treasuring Board of Canada and the National Police Federation for Royal Canadian Mounted Police Regular members and Reservists. 



Mayor Walker requested the following motion be considered by Council at this time:


    THAT Council direct staff to review the cost and feasibility for a flagpole to be erected at City Hall with the intent that the Semiahmoo First Nation Flag would be flown permanently.