The Corporation of the

Regular Council Meeting

City Hall Council Chambers
15322 Buena Vista Avenue, White Rock, BC, V4B 1Y6

*Live Streaming/Telecast: Please note that all Committees, Task Forces, Council Meetings, and Public Hearings held in the Council Chamber are being recorded and broadcasted as well included on the City’s website at:


T. Arthur, Director of Corporate Administration

We would like to recognize that we are standing/working/meeting on the traditional unceded territory of the Semiahmoo First Nation, and also wish to acknowledge the broader territory of the Coast Salish Peoples.


    THAT the Corporation of the City of White Rock Council adopt the agenda for its regular meeting scheduled for March 13, 2023 as circulated.


    THAT the Corporation of the City of White Rock Council adopt the following meeting minutes as presented:

    • February 27, 2023 Regular Meeting minutes; and
    • February 27, 2023 Public meeting minutes (DVP No. 452 (1273 Fir Street),
      DVP No. 448 & (1122 Vidal Street) and DVP No. 449 (13836 Marine Drive).

Deputy Fire Chief Norm MacLeod to attend to discuss his experience as part of a 10-person Burnaby Urban Search and Rescue team that went to Turkey last month following the devastating earthquake on February 6, 2023. 

Question and Answer Period will be taking place both in person at the meeting, as well as electronically through email. 

If you wish to have your question submitted electronically you may forward questions and comments to Mayor and Council by emailing [email protected] with Question and Answer Period noted in the subject line.

As of 8:30 a.m., March 8, 2023, there were two (2) Question and Answer period submissions received:

  • Email dated March 3, 2023 from G. Wolgemuth, White Rock, regarding Council's endorsement of the City of Langley's proposal to tax Multi-Family home owners at a higher rate than Single Family Home Owners; and 

  • Email dated March 3, 2023 from G. Wolgemuth, White Rock, regarding multi-family solid waste collection.

Note: there are to be no questions or comments on a matter that will be the subject of a public hearing (time between the public hearing and final consideration of the bylaw).


    THAT Council receive for information the correspondence submitted for Question and Answer Period by 8:30 a.m. March 13, 2023 including “On-Table” information provided with staff responses that are available at the time.

Alex Nixon, Executive Director, to attend to provide information and give an update regarding the White Rock Business Improvement Associations (BIA).



Corporate report dated March 13, 2023 from the Director of Recreation and Culture titled "Events 2023 - Pier Use".


    THAT Council:

    1. Approve the returning Category C event, “Picnic on the Pier,” scheduled for Thursday, August 10, 2023.
    2. Approve a new Category C event, “Charcuterie on the Pier,” presented by Sheila’s Catering, scheduled for September 2, 2023.

Corporate report dated March 13, 2023 from the Director of Corporate Administration titled "White Rock Freedom of Information Bylaw, 2023, No. 2457".

Note: Bylaw 2457 is on the agenda for consideration under Item 8.1.b.


    THAT Council receive for information the corporate report dated March 13, 2023, from the Director of Corporate Administration, titled “White Rock Freedom of Information Bylaw, 2023, No, 2457” for consideration.

Corporate report dated March 13, 2023 from the Chief Administrative Officer titled "Council Code of Conduct".

Note: Bylaw 2456 is on the agenda for consideration under Item 8.1.c.


    THAT Council receive the March 13, 2023, corporate report from the Chief Administrative Officer, titled “Council Code of Conduct” for consideration.


    THAT Council receive for information the following standing committee meeting minutes as circulated:

    • Finance and Audit Committee - February 23, 2023; and
    • Land Use and Planning - February 27, 2023.



Bylaw 2454 - A bylaw to amend the "White Rock Zoning Bylaw, 2012, No. 2000" to allow for the construction of a duplex on the property.

Note: The following bylaw was discussed at the Land Use and Planning Committee meeting held earlier in the evening. Council may consider the following recommendation at this time, or may defer to a future meeting.


    THAT Council give first and second readings to “White Rock Zoning Bylaw, 2012, No. 2000, Amendment (RS-1 Zone to CD-69 Zone, 15439 Oxenham Avenue) Bylaw, 2022, No. 2454”.


    THAT Council direct staff to schedule the public hearing for “White Rock Zoning Bylaw, 2012, No. 2000, Amendment (RS-1 Zone to CD-69 Zone, 15439 Oxenham Avenue) Bylaw, 2022, No. 2454".


    THAT Council direct staff to address the following conditions before bringing “White Rock Zoning Bylaw, 2012, No. 2000, Amendment (RS-1 Zone to CD-69 Zone, 15439 Oxenham Avenue) Bylaw, 2022, No. 2454”; back for consideration of final adoption:

    1. Ensure that all engineering requirements and issues, and the execution of a Works and Servicing Agreement, are addressed to the satisfaction of the Director of Engineering and Municipal Operations;

    2. Registration of a Section No. 219 Covenant to restrict basement suites;

    3. Ensure that all matters pertaining to tree protection and retention are addressed to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning and Development Services;

    4. Confirm and ensure the recommendations of the final arborist report, approved by the Director of Planning and Development Services and, more specifically, the city’s Arboricultural Technician, are implemented and maintained through future demolition and construction activities;

    5. Complete the demolition of the existing dwelling to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning and Development Services.

Bylaw 2457 - A bylaw for the administration of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and allow for implementation of an application fee of $10.00.

Note: This bylaw was the subject of a corporate report under Item 6.2.b.


    THAT Council give first, second and third reading to "White Rock Freedom of Information Bylaw, 2023, No. 2457".

Bylaw 2456 - A bylaw to regulate Council member conduct. New legislation requires this topic be reviewed by Council within the first six (6) months of being in office.  

Note: This bylaw was the subject of a corporate report under Item 6.2.c.


    THAT Council give first, second and third reading to "Council Code of Conduct Bylaw, 2023, No. 2456".



Note: DVP 448 (1122 Vidal Street) was the subject of a Public Meeting held on February 27, 2023.

Development Variance Permit (DVP) 448 seeks relief from the minimum setback requirements for a free-standing canopy from both the exterior side lot line and the principal building at the subject property. A structure is defined as any construction fixed to, supported by, or sunk into the land greater than 0.6m in height. The canopy meets  this definition.


    THAT Council approve the issuance of Development Variance Permit No. 448 -1122 Vidal Street (DVP 22-007).

Note: DVP 449 (13836 Marine Drive) was the subject of a Public Meeting held on February 27, 2023.

Development Variance Permit 449 seeks relief from the maximum permitted height requirement for a principal building at the subject property. The proposal consists of exterior architectural features (decorative chimneys and ironwork) on a new single-family home.


    THAT Council approve the issuance of Development Variance Permit No. 449 -13836 Marine Drive (DVP 22-026).


    THAT Council receive correspondence Item 9.1a as circulated. 

Metro Vancouver's Board in Brief from Friday, February 24, 2023.



Councillor Partridge provided the following Notice of Motion at the February 27, 2023 meeting for consideration at this time:

THAT Council authorize staff to schedule a weekly table to be utilized by Council at the White Rock Farmers' Market, for the full market 2023 season.