The Corporation of the

Regular Council Meeting

City Hall Council Chambers
15322 Buena Vista Avenue, White Rock, BC, V4B 1Y6

*Live Streaming/Telecast: Please note that all Committees, Task Forces, Council Meetings, and Public Hearings held in the Council Chamber are being recorded and broadcasted as well included on the City’s website at:


T. Arthur, Director of Corporate Administration

We would like to recognize that we are gathered on the traditional unceded territory of the Semiahmoo First Nation, within the broader territory of the Coast Salish Peoples.


    THAT the Corporation of the City of White Rock Council adopt the agenda for its regular meeting scheduled for
    October 7, 2024 as circulated.


    THAT the Corporation of the City of White Rock adopt the following meeting minutes as circulated.

    • Regular Council, September 23, 2024; and,
    • Public Meeting Minutes, September 23, 2024 [Development Variance Permit No. 459 (14591 Gordon Avenue)].

Question and Answer Period will be taking place in person at the meeting.

Note: there are to be no questions or comments on a matter that will be the subject of a public hearing (time between the public hearing and final consideration of the bylaw).

Alex Nixon, Executive Director, and Leah Chandler, Board Chair, White Rock Business Improvement Association (BIA), to provide an update regarding the BIA mandate for consideration of a new BIA Bylaw.


Jonathan Cote, Deputy General Manager, Regional Planning and Housing Development, and Mark Seinen, Senior Planner, Regional Planning and Housing Services, to attend to provide a presentation on this topic.

Corporate report dated October 7, 2024 from the Director of Corporate Administration titled "Business Improvement Area (BIA) New Bylaw No. 2495".


    THAT Council: 

    1. Receive the October 7, 2024, corporate report from the Director of Corporate Administration, titled “Business Improvement Area (BIA) New Bylaw No. 2495;” and
    2. Consider the “White Rock Business Improvement Area Bylaw 2024, 2495” for first, second and third reading following confirmation of the following elements:
      1. Term (5 years);
      2. Annual amounts to be collected in accordance with the bylaw with suggested BIA levies for each year of the five-year term (2% or 4% increase from the previous bylaw); and
      3. Mandate

Corporate report dated October 7, 2024 from the Manager, Engineering and the Manager, Parks, titled "Centre Street Improvements Update".


    THAT Council receive the corporate report dated October 7, 2024, from the Manager of Engineering and Manager of Parks, titled “Centre Street Improvements Update;” and

    1. Direct staff to move forward with planting Centre Street in Spring 2025 in the amount of $100,000 (excluding GST);
    2. Direct staff to perform renovation pruning on the Laurel hedge lining the Centre Street Walkway between Victoria Avenue and Marine Drive to approximately 3’ above ground in Spring 2025, funded separately out of the Parks Department operating budget;
    3. Approve the award of the construction services to repair the failed retaining wall north of Marine Drive on Centre Street to Graywood Construction Ltd. in the amount of $60,122 (excluding GST); and
    4. Authorize the pre-approved contingency in the amount of $17,578 (approximately 25%) to support the retaining wall project.

Corporate report dated October 7, 2024 from the Manager, Public Works titled "2024 White Rock Paving Program - Contract Award".


    THAT Council:

    1. Receive for information the Corporate Report dated October 7, 2024, from the Manager of Public Works, titled “2024 White Rock Paving Program – Contract Award;”
    2. Approve the award of a contract for the 2024 White Rock Paving Program to All Roads Construction for $965,676.60 (excluding GST); and
    3. Authorize the Director of Engineering and Municipal Operations to execute all contract documentation required for the project.

Corporate report dated October 7, 2024 from the Manager, Engineering titled "Waterfront Parking Lot Closure Bylaw Amendments".


    THAT Council receive the October 7, 2024, corporate report from the Manager of Engineering, titled “Waterfront Parking Lot Closure Bylaw Amendments” for review and consideration of the bylaw under the bylaw section of the Agenda, and direct staff to prepare necessary updates to Council Policy 504 – Towing of Unauthorized Vehicles.

Corporate report dated October 7, 2024 from the Manager, Parks titled "Generations Playground Splash Pad Update".


    THAT Council receive the corporate report dated October 7, 2024, from the Manager of Parks, titled “Generations Playground Splash Pad Update” and approve the final concept drawing and direct staff to proceed with the detailed design phase.

Corporate report from the Chief Administrative Officer dated October 7, 2024 titled "Daytime Warming Centre Update".


    THAT Council:

    1. Receive the October 7, 2024, corporate report from the Chief Administrative Officer, titled “Daytime Warming Centre Update" for consideration;  and
    2. Provide staff with direction on the location and awarding of a contract for the operation of a winter 2024/2025 temporary daytime warming centre.

Corporate report dated October 7, 2024 from the Director of Recreation and Culture titled "Summer Recreation Activity Update 2024".


    THAT Council receive for information the corporate report dated October 7, 2024, from the Director of Recreation and Culture, titled “Summer Recreation Activity Update 2024.”




Bylaw 2513 - A bylaw to amend Schedule "N" of the 2024 Fees and Charges Bylaw in regard to parking services (fees for parking decals and residential parking permits). Bylaw 2513 received three (3) readings on September 23, 2024 and is on the agenda for consideration of final reading.


    THAT Council give final reading to "2024 Fees and Charges Bylaw, 2023, No. 2480, Amendment No. 2, 2024, No. 2513".

Bylaw 2495 - A bylaw to establish and designate a Business Improvement Area in the City of White Rock for a five (5) year term.  

Note:  This bylaw was brought forward from corporate report discussed under Item 6.2.a

Note: Two (2) versions of Bylaw 2495 are attached for Council consideration. Version 1 includes the levy amounts at 2% increase and Version 2 includes the levy amounts at 4%.  Council will determine which Bylaw to utilize for this purpose (only one (1) bylaw will be voted on).


    THAT Council give first, second and third reading to "White Rock Business Improvement Area Bylaw 2024, No. 2495".

Bylaw 2522 - A bylaw to amend the White Rock Parks Regulation Bylaw in regard to parking in the waterfront parking lots.

Note: Bylaw 2522 was the subject of a corporate report under Item 6.2.d


    THAT Council give first, second and third reading to "White Rock Parks Regulations Bylaw, 1977, No. 675, Amendment No. 9, 2024, No. 2522".

Bylaw 2521 - A bylaw to amend the Ticketing for Bylaw Offences Bylaw in relation to Schedule B7 - White Rock Parks Regulation Bylaw.

Note: Bylaw 2521 was the subject of a corporate report under Item 6.2.d


    THAT Council give first, second, and third reading to "Ticketing for Bylaw Offences Bylaw, 2011, No. 1929, Amendment No. 16, 2024, No. 2521".






Councillor Trevelyan provided the following motion for consideration at this time:  

Note:  Council may wish to consider forwarding this matter to staff to review historical information on this item.  


    THAT Council: 

    1. Direct staff to pressure wash and re-paint (in a correct colour) the 25-pounder field gun located on fixed display outside City Hall; and
    2. Request cost estimates to build a simple four (4) post gazebo structure to help protect the gun from the elements for future generations to enjoy.  

Councillor Lawrence provided the following motion for consideration at this time:  

    THAT Council direct staff to review installing new signage for Marine Lane and Cosmic Alley by either placing: 
    • A separate sign for Marine Lane and Cosmic Alley to be installed on the same pole; or 
    • A single sign noting both Marine Lane and Cosmic Alley.  
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