The Corporation of theCITY OF WHITE ROCKPublic Art and Culture Advisory CommitteeAGENDAThursday, February 20, 2025 at 4:00 P.m. - 6:00 P.m.Gallery Room, White Rock Community Centre Council Chambers15154 Russell Ave, White Rock, BC, V4B 0A6*Live Streaming/Telecast: Please note that all Committees, Task Forces, Council Meetings, and Public Hearings held in the Council Chambers are being recorded and broadcasted on the City’s website at: T. Arthur, Director of Corporate Administration1.CALL TO ORDER 2.ADOPTION OF AGENDA RECOMMENDATIONTHAT the Public Art and Culture Advisory Committee adopts the agenda for the February 20, 2025 meeting as circulated.3.ADOPTION OF MINUTES 1.2025-01-15 PACAC Minutes (Unapproved).pdfRECOMMENDATIONTHAT the Public Art and Culture Advisory Committee adopts the minutes of the January 15, 2025 meeting as circulated.4.INTERNATIONAL YACHT CLUB OF BC Following a delegation to Council on January 27, 2025, members of the International Yacht Club of BC to attend to discuss the club's dissolution and opportunities for the distribution of the remaining club funds, including a potential Legacy Project associated with the White Rock Pier.5.WALKWAYS SIGNAGE - LOCATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND FINAL DESIGN The Manager of Communications and Government Relations to attend to present the final design for the Walkways signs, and to participate in discussion regarding recommended sign locations.6.MURALS WORKING GROUP UPDATE Members of the Murals Working Group to provide an update on their findings.7.BUDGET APPROVAL FOR TWO MURALS Committee to consider a recommendation to Council for approval of funding for two (2) murals. 8.BUDGET FOR POETRY IN MOTION REFRESH Committee to consider a recommendation to Council for approval of funding for a Poetry in Motion Refresh.9.DONATION OFFER OF LIT BENCH Committee to discuss a donation offer of a lit bench extended to the City by the Fraser Valley Real Estate Board, following initial discussion and consideration by the Committee during its previous term.10.CULTURAL FACILITIES NEEDS ASSESSMENT Staff to provide an overview and timeline for completion of the Council Strategic Priority titled "Conduct the needs assessment to address arts and cultural infrastructure and activate the Cultural Strategic Plan objectives."11.WORKING GROUP - MACCAUD PARK PLACEMAKING Committee to discuss the formation of a working group to research and provide options for restoring the "Gates of Happiness" at Maccaud Park.12.STAFF REPORT Staff to provide an update regarding relevant developments and/or events happening in the Recreation and Culture department.13.OTHER BUSINESS 14.INFORMATION 14.1COMMITTEE ACTION AND MOTION TRACKING 1.2025-2026 PACAC Action and Motion Tracker.pdfChairperson and/or staff to provide an update regarding the status of action items and recommendations from previous meetings. Note: Action and motion tracking document attached for information purposes.15.2025 MEETING SCHEDULE The following meeting schedule was previously approved by the Committee and is provided for information purposes: March 12, 2025; April 9, 2025; May 14, 2025; June 11, 2025; July 9, 2025; September 10, 2025; October 8, 2025; and, November 12, 2025. All meetings are scheduled to take place in the Council Chambers at White Rock Community Centre from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.16.CONCLUSION OF THE FEBRUARY 20, 2025 PUBLIC ART AND CULTURE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.2025-01-15 PACAC Minutes (Unapproved).pdf1.2025-2026 PACAC Action and Motion Tracker.pdf