The Corporation of the

Regular Council Meeting

City Hall Council Chambers
15322 Buena Vista Avenue, White Rock, BC, V4B 1Y6

*Live Streaming/Telecast: Please note that all Committees, Task Forces, Council Meetings, and Public Hearings held in the Council Chamber are being recorded and broadcasted as well included on the City’s website at:


T. Arthur, Director of Corporate Administration

We would like to recognize that we are standing/working/meeting on the traditional unceded territory of the Semiahmoo First Nation, and also wish to acknowledge the broader territory of the Coast Salish Peoples.


    THAT the Corporation of the City of White Rock Council adopt the agenda for its regular meeting scheduled for May 1, 2023 as circulated.


    THAT the Corporation of the City of White Rock Council adopt the following meeting minutes as circulated:

    • April 17, 2023 Regular Council Meeting; and,
    • April 17, 2023 Public Hearing (Bylaw 2451 - 15495 Oxenham Avenue)

The Regular Meeting will recess in order to consider a Public Hearing regarding the following proposed application:

  • Application for a Liquor Primary Licence at 15165 Russell Avenue (LL 22-035) - 15165 Russell Avenue

The Regular Meeting will reconvene following the adjournment or conclusion of the Public Hearing.


    THAT Council:

    1. Postpone the May 1, 2023 Regular Council meeting at this time until the adjournment or conclusion of the Public Hearing for the following application:
      • Liquor Primary Licence at 15165 Russell Avenue (LL 22-035); and 

    2. Directly following the Public Hearing the Regular Council will be reconvened in the City's Council Chambers.

Question and Answer Period will be taking place both in person at the meeting, as well as electronically through email. 

If you wish to have your question submitted electronically you may forward questions and comments to Mayor and Council by emailing [email protected] with Question and Answer Period noted in the subject line.

As of 8:30 a.m., April 26, 2023, there were no Question and Answer period submissions received.

Note: there are to be no questions or comments on a matter that will be the subject of a public hearing (time between the public hearing and final consideration of the bylaw).


    THAT Council receive for information the correspondence submitted for Question and Answer Period by noon on May 1, 2023, including “On-Table” information provided with staff responses that are available at the time.

Darin Bentley, United Velo Cycling Club, to attend to provide information and request permission for a cycling event to take place on Oxford Street on
June 24, 2023.

Julina Murphy and Kirsten Yanicki to attend to discuss a rainbow crosswalk proposal in front of Peace Arch Elementary (on Roper Avenue).



Corporate report from the Manager of Communications and Government Relations dated May 1, 2023 titled "Updating Recognition and Strategic Messages Policy".


    THAT Council:

    1. Select a list of cultural and community annual occasions they would like recognized with a message to the community;
    2. Direct how to recognize each occasion, either via newspaper advertisement, social media post, or both, so that the existing “Policy 135 – Recognition & Strategic Messages” can be updated and approved for the term;
    3. Agree that the policy be renamed to “Policy 135 – Council Messages for Cultural & Community Observances” to better reflect the contents of the policy.

Corporate report from the Manager of Communications and Government Relations dated May 1, 2023 titled "Updating Policy 168 - White Rock Pier Lighting". 


    THAT Council approve the updates in Appendix B DRAFT Updated Policy 168 – White Rock Pier Lighting including the:

    1. Recommended standard list of annual occasions recognized by pier lighting.
    2. Changes to the not-for-profit (NPO) booking request process.

Note: In accordance with the amendment to the Council and Committee Procedure Bylaw all items will be brought forward directly to the Regular Council meeting. The following outstanding sets of standing committee minutes are being brought forward for Council approval at this time.


    THAT Council adopt the following standing committee meeting minutes as circulated:

    • Grants-In-Aid Sub-Committee, June 29, 2022;
    • Land Use and Planning Committee, March 13, 2023; and
    • Finance and Audit Committee, March 27, 2023.

The Director of Financial Services to bring forward proposed amendments to Grants-in-Aid Policy 302 including grant applications being reviewed at Regular Council meetings (Grants-in-Aid Committee no longer required). 


    THAT Council endorse Grants-in-Aid Policy No. 302 as circulated.

Note:  The Manager of Communications and Government Relations brings forward the attached amended Mission and Values policy.  The policy has been updated in correlation with this Council’s Corporate Priorities.  The previous policy is included for reference purposes. 


    THAT Council endorse Corporate Vision / Mission / Values Policy 101 as circulated. 



Bylaw 2458 - A bylaw to adopt a Financial Plan for 2023 to 2027. Bylaw 2458 received three readings on April 17th and is on the agenda for consideration of final reading at this time.


    THAT Council give final reading to "City of White Rock Financial Plan (2023-2027) Bylaw, 2023, No. 2458".

Bylaw 2461 - A bylaw for the levying of rates on land and improvements and to provide for the payment of taxes and user fees for the year 2023. Bylaw 2461 received three readings on April 17th and is on the agenda for consideration of final reading at this time.


    THAT Council give final reading to "City of White Rock Annual Property Tax Rates Bylaw 2023, No. 2461".

Bylaw 2462 - A bylaw to amend the White Rock Collection, Removal, Disposal and Recycling of Solid Waste Bylaw 2015, No. 2084. Bylaw 2462 received three readings on April 17th and is on the agenda for consideration of final reading at this time.


    THAT Council give final reading to “White Rock Collection, Removal, Disposal and Recycling of Solid Waste Bylaw 2015, No. 2084, Amendment No. 7, 2023 No. 2462”.

Bylaw 2463 - A bylaw to amend the White Rock Drainage Utility User Fee Bylaw, 2004, No. 1739. Bylaw 2463 received three readings on April 17th and is on the agenda for consideration of final reading at this time.


    THAT Council give final reading to “White Rock Drainage Utility User Fee Bylaw, 2004 No. 1739, Amendment Bylaw, 2023, No. 2463".  

Bylaw 2464 - A bylaw to amend the White Rock Sewer Connection and Rental Charges Bylaw, 1970, No. 396. Bylaw 2464 received three readings on April 17th and is on the agenda for consideration of final reading at this time.


    THAT Council give final reading to “White Rock Sanitary Sewer Connection and Rental Charges Bylaw, 1970, No. 396, Amendment Bylaw, 2023, No. 2464”.

Bylaw 2465 - A bylaw to amend the White Rock Secondary Suite Service Fee Bylaw, 2012, No. 2009. Bylaw 2465 received three readings on April 17th and is on the agenda for consideration of final reading at this time.


    THAT Council give final reading to “White Rock Secondary Suite Service Fee Bylaw, 2012, No. 2009, Amendment No. 7, 2023, No. 2465.”



This item was the subject of a Public Hearing held earlier in the evening.

Note: Previous reports provided for information. To view the full Information Package for this file CLICK HERE.


    THAT Council:

    1. Endorse the Liquor Primary Licence for 15165 Russell Avenue; and
    2. Authorize staff to forward a copy of the March 27, 2023 report and results of the public hearing to the Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch for the Liquor Primary Licence for 15165 Russell Avenue.

Note: Council Policy No. 109 notes that the City of White Rock does not make official proclamations. Items 9.1.a to 9.1.c have been included under correspondence for public information purposes only.


    THAT Council receive correspondence item(s) 9.1 a - 9.1 c as circulated. 

Correspondence dated March 22, 2023 from the Canadian Celiac Association advising that the month of May is International Celiac Awareness month.

The White Rock Pier will be lit in green on May 16th to raise awareness of this cause.

Letter dated March 30, 2023 from the Peace Arch Hospice Society informing that May is National Hospice Month.

Correspondence dated April 12, 2023, from Patricia Wilson, MS Ambassador, informing that May is MS (Multiple Sclerosis) Awareness Month.

The White Rock Pier will be lit in red on May 30th to raise awareness of this cause.

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