The Corporation of the CITY OF WHITE ROCKRegular Council MeetingAGENDAMonday, November 06, 2023 at 4:00 P.m. - 7:00 P.m.City Hall Council Chambers15322 Buena Vista Avenue, White Rock, BC, V4B 1Y6*Live Streaming/Telecast: Please note that all Committees, Task Forces, Council Meetings, and Public Hearings held in the Council Chamber are being recorded and broadcasted as well included on the City’s website at: T. Arthur, Director of Corporate Administration1.CALL MEETING TO ORDER 1.1FIRST NATIONS LAND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We would like to recognize that we are standing/working/meeting on the traditional unceded territory of the Semiahmoo First Nation, and also wish to acknowledge the broader territory of the Coast Salish Peoples. 2.ADOPTION OF AGENDA RECOMMENDATIONTHAT the Corporation of the City of White Rock Council adopt the agenda for its regular meeting scheduled for November 6, 2023 as circulated.3.ADOPTION OF MINUTES 1.Post-Meeting Minutes - RCM-public meeting_Oct30_2023 - English.pdf2.Post-Meeting Minutes - RM_Oct30_2023 - English.pdfRECOMMENDATIONTHAT the Corporation of the City of White Rock adopt the following meeting minutes: October 30, 2023 Public Meeting Minutes [Development Variance Permit 455 (15643 Buena Vista Avenue)]; and October 30, 2023 Regular Council meeting minutes 4.QUESTION AND ANSWER PERIOD (15 MINUTES / 2 MINUTES PER SPEAKER) Question and Answer Period will be taking place both in person at the meeting, as well as electronically through email. If you wish to have your question submitted electronically you may forward questions and comments to Mayor and Council by emailing [email protected] with Question and Answer Period noted in the subject line.As of 8:30 a.m., November 1, 2023, there were no Question and Answer period submissions received.Note: There are to be no questions or comments on a matter that will be the subject of a public hearing (time between the public hearing and final consideration of the bylaw).RECOMMENDATIONTHAT Council receive for information the correspondence submitted for Question and Answer Period by noon (12:00 p.m.) November 6, 2023, including “On-Table” information provided with staff responses that are available at the time.4.1CHAIRPERSON CALLS FOR SPEAKERS TO QUESTION AND ANSWER PERIOD 5.DELEGATIONS AND PETITIONS 5.1DELEGATIONS (5 MINUTES) 5.1.aWHITE ROCK YOUTH AMBASSADORS The 2023/ 2024 Youth Ambassadors will be introduced and will be speaking about the program and their volunteering in the White Rock Community. The ambassador team is seeking input to establish and strengthen community relationships of the youth within the White Rock Community.2023/2024 Ambassador Team: Miss White Rock, Andrea Luo, Princess, Sarah Yu, Princess, Amber Yang, Principal Ambassador, John Meleppuram, Friendship Ambassador, Eunsoo Oh, Ambassadors, Arthur Li, Aria Wang and Joanna Cai will be attending.5.2PETITIONS None6.PRESENTATIONS AND CORPORATE REPORTS 6.1PRESENTATIONS (10 MINUTES) 6.1.aLAURAE MCNALLY - WHITE ROCK SCHOOL TRUSTEE Laurae McNally, White Rock School Trustee, to attend to discuss the 2023 School year.6.2CORPORATE REPORTS 6.2.aCONTRACT AWARD - MARINE DRIVE AND NICHOL ROAD INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS 1.Contract Award - Marine Drive and Nichol Road Intersection Improvements.pdfCorporate report dated November 6, 2023 from the Director of Engineering and Municipal Operations titled "Contract Award - Marine Drive and Nichol Road Intersection Improvements".RECOMMENDATIONTHAT Council receive the corporate report dated November 6, 2023, from the Director of Engineering and Municipal Operations, titled “Contract Award - Marine Drive and Nichol Road Intersection Improvements” for consideration; and Approve the award of the Marine Drive and Nichol Road Intersection Improvements to Lafarge Canada Inc. in the amount of $480,291 (excluding GST); Approve the award of engineering inspection and engineering support for the Marine Drive and Nichol Road Intersection Improvements to R.F. Binnie & Associates Ltd. in the amount of $30,000 (excluding GST); Authorize the pre-approved contingency in the amount of $126,128 (approximately 25%) to support the project; and Authorize the Director of Engineering and Municipal Operations to execute all contract documentation required for the project. 6.2.b2024 FEES AND CHARGES BYLAW, 2023, NO. 2480 1.2024 Fees and Charges Bylaw, 2023, No. 2480.pdf2.2024 Fees and Charges Bylaw, 2023, No. 2480(1).pdfCorporate report dated November 6, 2023 from the Director of Financial Services titled "2024 Fees and Charges Bylaw, 2023, No. 2480".Note: Bylaw 2480 is on the agenda for consideration of first, second and third reading under item 9.1.aRECOMMENDATIONTHAT Council receive the November 6, 2023, corporate report from the Director, Financial Services, “2024 Fees and Charges Bylaw, 2023, No. 2480”.RECOMMENDATION6.2.cCOMMUNITY HUB NEXT STEPS 1.Community Hub.pdf2.Appendix A Corporate Report brought forward to Council September 25, 2023 (dated September 11, 2023).pdf3.Appendix B Facilities Master Plan Update.pdf4.Appendix C Corporate Report dated January 13, 2022.pdf5.Appendix D Corporate Report dated January 27, 2020.pdf6.176 - Community Hub Steering Committee Terms of Reference DRAFT.pdfCorporate report dated November 6, 2023 from the Chief Administrative Officer titled "Community Hub Next Steps".RECOMMENDATIONTHAT Council: Establishes a “Community Hub Steering Committee;” Approves the Community Hub Steering Committee Terms of Reference; Appoints the following to the internal Community Hub Steering Committee: Two (2) members of Council;Director, Engineering & Municipal Operations;Director of Planning and Development Services; Director of Financial Services; andCommunity Hub Project Manager. Support the Chief Administrative Officer for the required time to complete the committee mandate; and Direct staff to post and hire a Community Hub Project Manager funded from Capital Reserves. 6.2.dANDION BIOFUEL UPDATE 1.Andion Biofuel Update.pdf2.Appendix A - Air Quality Environmental Protection Notice - Semiahmoo RNG GP Corp - 1202.pdf3.Appendix B - 2023-08-31_-_Letter_to_City_of_White_Rock_Requesting_Comment_-_Semiahmoo_RNG_GP_Corp_-_1202.pdf4.Appendix C - Andion October 16 2023.pdf5.Appendix D - 2023-10-30 - Letter to White Rock Council - Questions on Semiahmoo RNG GP Corp. - 1202 - Sent.pdfCorporate report dated November 6, 2023 from the Director of Engineering and Municipal Operations titled "Andion Biofuel Update".RECOMMENDATIONTHAT Council receive the corporate report dated November 6, 2023, from the Director of Engineering and Municipal Operations, titled “Andion Biogas Project Update” for consideration and that Council: Thank Metro Vancouver for its October 30, 2023, letter in response to Council’s motion 2023-382 and, Advise Metro Vancouver that many White Rock residents expressed concerns with and opposition to the biogas facility or its proposed location, and, Requests that Metro Vancouver closely monitors any facility construction and operation to ensure that all emissions are within the parameters set forth in the permit application attached as Appendix B. 7.MINUTES AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF COMMITTEES 7.1SELECT COMMITTEE MINUTES None7.2SELECT COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS None8.POLICIES None9.BYLAWS AND PERMITS 9.1BYLAWS 9.1.aBYLAW 2480 - 2024 FEES AND CHARGES BYLAW, 2023, NO. 2480 1.2024 Fees and Charges Bylaw, 2023, No. 2480(2).pdfBylaw 2480 - A Bylaw to impose fees and charges for various services offered by the City that are not included in any other City Bylaw.Note: Bylaw 2480 was the subject of a Corporate Report under item 6.2.b.RECOMMENDATIONTHAT Council give first, second and third reading to "2024 Fees and Charges Bylaw, 2023, No. 2480".9.2PERMITS None10.CORRESPONDENCE 10.1CORRESPONDENCE - RECEIVED FOR INFORMATION Note: Further action on the following correspondence items may be considered. Council may request that any item be brought forward for discussion, and may propose a motion of action on the matter.RECOMMENDATIONTHAT Council receive correspondence item(s) 10.1 a as circulated. 10.1.aMETRO VANCOUVER - STREAMLINING THE DELIVERY OF RENTAL HOUSING THROUGH PRE-APPROVED PLANS AND OFF-SITE CONSTRUCTION 1.Streamlining the Delivery of Rental Housing - 2023 Oct 31 - Outgoing to City of White Rock.pdfCorrespondence dated October 31, 2023 from Metro Vancouver looking to identify municipalities interested in joining a project led by the Province to explore pre-approved building plans and off-site construction to streamline the delivery of rental housing.11.MAYOR AND COUNCILLOR REPORTS 11.1MAYOR’S REPORT 11.2COUNCILLORS REPORTS 12.MOTIONS AND NOTICES OF MOTION 12.1MOTIONS 12.1.aDAYTIME WARMING SHELTER Councillor Klassen put forward the following motion for consideration at this time:RECOMMENDATIONTHAT Council: Direct staff to send correspondence to the City of Surrey requesting 50% of the cost to operate a daytime warming center from November 20th 2023 to March 15th 2024, with the expected share from Surrey being approximately $180,000; and Direct staff to rent and locate the warming center trailer at Centennial Park at the parking lot at Vine Avenue and Anderson Street; and Direct staff to engage and direct the awarding of the provision of warming center services to Engaged Communities Canada Society; Staff to receive any donations provided from the public as deferred revenue and that funds received be allocated to the warming center; and Approve the costs to be funded from 2023 surplus for operation from November 20th to December 31st, 2023 and pre-approve funds from taxation for the 2024 5-Year Financial Plan to cover operation from January 1 to March 15th, 2024, for a total cost of up to $360,000. 12.2NOTICES OF MOTION 13.RELEASE OF ITEMS FROM CLOSED COUNCIL MEETINGS 14.OTHER BUSINESS 15.CONCLUSION OF THE NOVEMBER 6, 2023 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.Contract Award - Marine Drive and Nichol Road Intersection Improvements.pdf1.2024 Fees and Charges Bylaw, 2023, No. 2480.pdf2.2024 Fees and Charges Bylaw, 2023, No. 2480(1).pdf1.2024 Fees and Charges Bylaw, 2023, No. 2480(2).pdf1.Community Hub.pdf2.Appendix A Corporate Report brought forward to Council September 25, 2023 (dated September 11, 2023).pdf3.Appendix B Facilities Master Plan Update.pdf4.Appendix C Corporate Report dated January 13, 2022.pdf5.Appendix D Corporate Report dated January 27, 2020.pdf6.176 - Community Hub Steering Committee Terms of Reference DRAFT.pdf1.Streamlining the Delivery of Rental Housing - 2023 Oct 31 - Outgoing to City of White Rock.pdf1.Post-Meeting Minutes - RCM-public meeting_Oct30_2023 - English.pdf2.Post-Meeting Minutes - RM_Oct30_2023 - English.pdf1.Andion Biofuel Update.pdf2.Appendix A - Air Quality Environmental Protection Notice - Semiahmoo RNG GP Corp - 1202.pdf3.Appendix B - 2023-08-31_-_Letter_to_City_of_White_Rock_Requesting_Comment_-_Semiahmoo_RNG_GP_Corp_-_1202.pdf4.Appendix C - Andion October 16 2023.pdf5.Appendix D - 2023-10-30 - Letter to White Rock Council - Questions on Semiahmoo RNG GP Corp. - 1202 - Sent.pdf